Baseflow / Xamarin-Sidebar

A slideout navigation control for Xamarin.iOS
Apache License 2.0
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Problem with slide to edit/delete in content view #81

Open schendzielorz opened 6 years ago

schendzielorz commented 6 years ago

There is a problem with the UITableView feature, which shows edit options for a UITableViewCell (CanEditRow(...), EditActionsForRow(...)), if the TableView is in the content view of the SidebarController. It seems, that the GestureRecognizers are in conflict. If you swipe a cell (menu is closed) then the options are shown very very rarely since it is very hard to trigger it in its desired way. Even if I set SidebarController.GestureActiveArea to 0, it is not helping.

It would be great, if there would be a possibility to disable the GestureRecognizer of the menu.

drunkendaddy commented 6 years ago

I figured out how you can disable pan GestureRecognizer of the menu

AppDelegate.Instance.RootViewController.LeftSidebarController.DisablePanGesture = false;

LeftSidebarController is an instance of SidebarController

jkapsouras commented 6 years ago

I had the same problem and @drunkendaddy saved my day. Thanks! One notice though: The command SidebarController.DisablePanGesture = false will be cancelled if the command SidebarController.Disabled=true is executed. It seems that enabling the sidebar, enables also the pangesture.