BassT23 / Proxmox

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Docker Compose v2 Issue #122

Closed rtthane closed 1 month ago

rtthane commented 2 months ago

I have just updated to version 4.1 of the script. I can't work out why but this version bypasses docker compose updates. I am running docker compose v2 plugin under /home/user/.docker/cli-plugins.

When i run docker compose version i get Docker Compose version v2.26.1

When running the script it just goes straight to finished extra updates.

The docker compose v2 .yml file which I use to deploy my stack is located in /home/user/docker/docker-compose.yml

I noticed that there is no COMPOSE=$(find / -name "docker-compose.yml under the docker compose v2 section of the file.

The previous version of the script worked fine with my setup. Can you advise how i can resolve this please?

BassT23 commented 2 months ago

For now, I made a fix, to roll back to "old" v1.8.3 (

rm -f /etc/ultimate-updater/ && curl -s -L > /etc/ultimate-updater/

Hope, this help you for now ;)

EDIT: stop - there is an error, ... just one moment EDIT2: should work now ;)

rtthane commented 2 months ago

For now, I made a fix, to roll back to "old" v1.8.3 (

rm -f /etc/ultimate-updater/ && curl -s -L > /etc/ultimate-updater/

Hope, this help you for now ;)

EDIT: stop - there is an error, ... just one moment EDIT2: should work now ;)

Thanks for this. Works fine now :-)

pythongod commented 2 months ago

echo "I am here $PWD" DOCKER_COMPOSE="true" if [[ -d "/etc/docker" && $DOCKER_COMPOSE == true ]]; then declare -a COMPOSEFILES=("docker-compose.yaml" "docker-compose.yml" "compose.yaml" "compose.yml") declare -a DIRLIST=() # Use an array to store directories for COMPOSEFILE in "${COMPOSEFILES[@]}"; do echo "Searching for $COMPOSEFILE..." while IFS= read -r line; do DIRLIST+=("$line") done < <(find /home -name $COMPOSEFILE -exec dirname {} \; 2> >(grep -v 'Permission denied')) done

if [[ ${#DIRLIST[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then for dir in "${DIRLIST[@]}"; do echo "Updating $dir..." pushd "$dir" > /dev/null sudo docker compose pull && sudo docker compose up -d popd > /dev/null done echo "All projects have been updated." else echo "No Docker Compose files found anywhere." fi

echo -e "\n Cleaning " read -p "Proceed with cleaning up Docker resources older than 4 days? (y/n) " answer if [[ $answer == [Yy]* ]]; then docker system prune -f --filter "until=96h" else echo "Cleanup canceled by user." fi fi


This is what I use to identify possible compose files and then not to update single container as your script but use the docker compose v2 to do that. Maybe you want to use that instead.

BassT23 commented 1 month ago

hopefully fixed with latest develop branch. If you want, feel free to try out with update develop -up and give feedback ;)

rtthane commented 1 month ago

hopefully fixed with latest develop branch. If you want, feel free to try out with update develop -up and give feedback ;)

Hi, updated to the develop branch. Still doesn't work for me. Under /usr/local/bin i am running docker compose v2.26.1, but the script detects it as docker compose v1

--- Searching for extra updates ---

Updating Docker-Compose v1 (oldstable)

latest: Pulling from library/traefik Digest: sha256:7996bdae8aaa70eaacf2978b6c949de5b68c0a24ddc3e40c06344ecc88cfaea3 Status: Image is up to date for traefik:latest

Updating Docker-Compose v1 (oldstable)

no configuration file provided: not found no configuration file provided: not found no configuration file provided: not found

Updating Docker Compose no configuration file provided: not found no configuration file provided: not found

Gauvino commented 1 month ago

hopefully fixed with latest develop branch. If you want, feel free to try out with update develop -up and give feedback ;)

Hi, updated to the develop branch. Still doesn't work for me. Under /usr/local/bin i am running docker compose v2.26.1, but the script detects it as docker compose v1

--- Searching for extra updates ---

Updating Docker-Compose v1 (oldstable)

latest: Pulling from library/traefik Digest: sha256:7996bdae8aaa70eaacf2978b6c949de5b68c0a24ddc3e40c06344ecc88cfaea3 Status: Image is up to date for traefik:latest

Updating Docker-Compose v1 (oldstable)

no configuration file provided: not found no configuration file provided: not found no configuration file provided: not found

Updating Docker Compose no configuration file provided: not found no configuration file provided: not found

Could you please remake the command from the official docker install please

BassT23 commented 1 month ago

I see the problem: the merge dosn't work correctly, ... give me one moment to fix it

BassT23 commented 1 month ago

ok, fixed, pls give it a try :)

rtthane commented 1 month ago

update develop -up

Superb, all sorted - thanks very much :-)