Open Darxo opened 2 months ago
My understanding was that IdealSize is defaulted to 6 as shown in party.nut in DSF. And then add 50% for locations as you say.
These three entries are mislreading and should probably be changed to null
by default to clarify this.
Their default value has no effect whatsoever.
They are not meant to be set by the party definition and instead get initialized using the member DefaultResources
and function getIdealSize
respectively. Those two should be adjusted in party definition if need be
I may have knew that and forgotten but that definitely changes things. Will think about our options on how to proceed.
However it also partially fixes a bug in the dynamic spawn framework. Because currently EVERY party has an idealsize of 12 (or 14/16 for manhunter/militia) and then 50% more for locations.
We will be fixing this bug in the DSF framework I presume? So it correctly scales with player party size with a min or 6 and max of 12?
I'm pretty certain even with that bug fixed most factions will need custom ideal size rules like we did with bandits. I'll get on that.
Yeah we'll fix the bug. For now you can simulate the fixed bug by setting ::DynamicSpawns.Const.MainMenuIdealSize = 7
in your main menu before you do party generation simulations. You can replace the 7 with any number you want the "default" IdealSize to be.
This is one method of addressing the barbarian spawn behavior
In Essence this change reduces the idealsize of barbarian parties by 20%.
However it also partially fixes a bug in the dynamic spawn framework. Because currently EVERY party has an idealsize of 12 (or 14/16 for manhunter/militia) and then 50% more for locations. Idealsize was meant to be at most that number, but at least how many brothers the player actually has.