BattletechModders / CBTBehaviorsEnhanced

Applies Classic BattleTech behaviors to the HBS BattleTech Game
MIT License
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Error creating imaginary attack #102

Open IceRaptor opened 3 years ago

IceRaptor commented 3 years ago

From BTA tocket-0800:

Delegate OnMeleeComplete - Standard for message type OnAttackComplete failed with exception 
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) BattleTech.Weapon.WillFireAtTargetFromPosition_Patch2(object,BattleTech.ICombatant,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion)
  at BattleTech.AttackDirector+AttackSequence..ctor (BattleTech.AttackDirector director, BattleTech.AbstractActor attacker, BattleTech.ICombatant target, UnityEngine.Vector3 attackPosition, UnityEngine.Quaternion attackRotation, System.Int32 attackSequenceIdx, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] selectedWeapons, BattleTech.MeleeAttackType meleeAttackType, System.Int32 calledShotLocation, System.Boolean isMoraleAttack, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 stackItemUID) [0x00111] in <4184af8dbeb44635831353f4d349631c>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) BattleTech.AttackDirector.CreateAttackSequence_Patch2(object,int,BattleTech.AbstractActor,BattleTech.ICombatant,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,int,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<BattleTech.Weapon>,BattleTech.MeleeAttackType,int,bool)
  at CBTBehaviorsEnhanced.Helper.AttackHelper.CreateImaginaryAttack (BattleTech.Mech attacker, BattleTech.Weapon attackWeapon, BattleTech.ICombatant target, System.Int32 weaponHitInfoStackItemUID, System.Single[] damageClusters, BattleTech.DamageType damageType, BattleTech.MeleeAttackType attackType) [0x00027] in <e1deed75e1254bd3b46204db8d2abbb2>:0 
  at CBTBehaviorsEnhanced.Melee.MechMeleeSequence_OnMeleeComplete.Prefix (BattleTech.MechMeleeSequence __instance, MessageCenterMessage message, BattleTech.AttackStackSequence ___meleeSequence) [0x00285] in <e1deed75e1254bd3b46204db8d2abbb2>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) BattleTech.MechMeleeSequence.OnMeleeComplete_Patch1(object,MessageCenterMessage)
  at MessageCenter.SendMessagesForType (MessageCenterMessageType messageType, MessageCenterMessage message) [0x00037] in <4184af8dbeb44635831353f4d349631c>:0 
IceRaptor commented 3 years ago

IceRaptor commented 3 years ago

I hope the logs are okay (I only saw and installed the btalogs in known issues after the error and before gathering the logs). The game just kind of hung in the middle of combat after a melee attack, the punch animation happened and then before the SRM attacks the game just kind of stopped. It didn't freeze or stop responding, just kind of hung, like stuck in an infinite processing loop. Logs: 0 views

taintedloki — 06/06/2021 you hit the memory leak fairly hard, your onboard graphics ran out of memory (shares ram with the whole system) which is what locked the game up though @FrostRaptor CBTBE error in this log that may need to be looked at, could be a symptom of d3d11 dieing while meleeing Catatonicat — 06/06/2021 Ah, okay. Yeah unfortunately I only have my laptop to use at the moment, so I guessed the lack of resources could just be the problem. Thanks for taking a look.

IceRaptor commented 3 years ago

I encounter soft freezing whenever I go in for a double kick with a machine gun array . i have the double melee skill and it worked once when i replaced CBTbehaviours but then it stopped working after one time. ive tried it numerous times and each time it soft freezes on me forcing me to go back the the main menu and reload my game. taintedloki — 05/31/2021 try this delete CBTBehaviorsEnhanced from your Mods folder, then replace it with the one in that post taintedloki — 05/31/2021 double kick iirc with the quads can be a problem, id avoid using that one for now, but ill forward this along. Im a bit more concerned if non quad melee attacks are breaking @FrostRaptor melee exception with the CBTBE, a reupload of the logs to avoid give up your email to get a link requirement


IceRaptor commented 3 years ago

The game has locked up after a charge attack and also twice previously has locked with no UI available and a wait timer for enemy turn whilst doing nothing I've raised a ticket as the FAQ says that the charge softlock should be resolved Logs available here Google Docs Ⓕ-bone — 05/19/2021 @FrostRaptor melee bug whack-a-mole continues :neutral_face: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at (wrapper dynamic-method) BattleTech.Weapon.WillFireAtTargetFromPosition_Patch2(object,BattleTech.ICombatant,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion) at BattleTech.AttackDirector+AttackSequence..ctor (BattleTech.AttackDirector director, BattleTech.AbstractActor attacker, BattleTech.ICombatant target, UnityEngine.Vector3 attackPosition, UnityEngine.Quaternion attackRotation, System.Int32 attackSequenceIdx, System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] selectedWeapons, BattleTech.MeleeAttackType meleeAttackType, System.Int32 calledShotLocation, System.Boolean isMoraleAttack, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 stackItemUID) [0x00111] in <4184af8dbeb44635831353f4d349631c>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) BattleTech.AttackDirector.CreateAttackSequence_Patch2(object,int,BattleTech.AbstractActor,BattleTech.ICombatant,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,int,System.Collections.Generic.List1,BattleTech.MeleeAttackType,int,bool) at CBTBehaviorsEnhanced.Helper.AttackHelper.CreateImaginaryAttack (BattleTech.Mech attacker, BattleTech.Weapon attackWeapon, BattleTech.ICombatant target, System.Int32 weaponHitInfoStackItemUID, System.Single[] damageClusters, BattleTech.DamageType damageType, BattleTech.MeleeAttackType attackType) [0x00027] in <4838263d097342ca84804ef3d4c62189>:0 at CBTBehaviorsEnhanced.Melee.MechMeleeSequence_OnMeleeComplete.Prefix (BattleTech.MechMeleeSequence __instance, MessageCenterMessage message, BattleTech.AttackStackSequence ___meleeSequence) [0x00285] in <4838263d097342ca84804ef3d4c62189>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) BattleTech.MechMeleeSequence.OnMeleeComplete_Patch1(object,MessageCenterMessage) at MessageCenter.SendMessagesForType (MessageCenterMessageType messageType, MessageCenterMessage message) [0x00037] in <4184af8dbeb44635831353f4d349631c>:0 2021-05-19T12:35:31 CombatLog.Attacking [LOG] OnAttackComplete for stackSequence 2565, remaining sequences: 0 Ⓕ-bone — 05/19/2021 looks like theres...already something in place to catch if MeleeAttack is null in MeleeSequenceState (inside the MechMeleeSequence.OnMeleeComplete Prefix that calls CreateImaginaryAttack) so... somehow only the animation part of MeleeAttack is null? let me know if i can help somehow...