Open benibela opened 8 years ago
Or this one:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var f: TFLRE;
tc: types.DWORD;
i: Integer;
r: TRegExpr;
foo: TFLREMultiCaptures;
foo2: TFLRECaptures;
RE,input: String;
RE := '\s*^ISBN:\s*'; //I do not know why the ^ is in the middle
input := #13#10' Zf2304'#13#10' ';
f := tflre.Create(RE, [rfUTF8]);
tc := GetTickCount;
for i := 1 to 10000000 do
caption := IntToStr(GetTickCount - tc);
f := tflre.Create(RE, [rfUTF8]);
tc := GetTickCount;
for i := 1 to 10000000 do
caption := caption + ' ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - tc);
r := TRegExpr.Create();
tc := GetTickCount;
for i := 1 to 10000000 do
caption := caption + ' vs. ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount - tc);
27s vs. 7s vs. 3s
Hm, at me is 1375ms (ca. 1s) (FLRE) vs. 3968s (ca. 4s) (TRegExpr) with Delphi 7 with the FastMM4 memory manager on a Intel Xeon E3-1345v2 (= circa Intel i7-3770S just together with ECC-RAM support and so on). Which compiler are you using? And which memory manager (I guess the compiler own default)?
All FPC's default
-MObjFPC -Scgi -Cg -O2 -g -gl -l -vewnhibq -dLCL -dLCLgtk2
on an Intel P8600
Oh ok, then I know what the reason probably is: The slow exception handling of FPC. Because FPC (under Windows) does still use the c-style slow SetJmp exception handling instead of the fast SEH exception handling.
Because FLRE do (for example in TFLRE.PtrMatchAll):
and so similar try/finally stuff.
Such code is fast with Delphi (because it uses the Windows native SEH exceptions and not the SetJmp-style fallback solution), but not (yet) with FPC.
A solution would be that I will ifdef'ed the try/finally stuff for FPC. Hmm, I'll have to think about that, what would be best here.
Actually the SetLength call a big problem Without it, UTF8MatchAll and UTF8Test have around the same speed. Still 6s vs Sorokin's 3s
Most time is spend there:
Actually, if I compile everything myself, FLRE is twice as fast. Perhaps the version of Sorokin's in fpc's RTL was compiled with different compiler flags
MatchAll with limit=1 is 10 times slower than Sorokins' regexp:
=> 27s vs 2.5s