BeamNG / BeamNGpy

Python API for
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Memory Error when using Lidar #63

Open ASionville opened 4 years ago

ASionville commented 4 years ago

Hi there !

I am having an issue using the lidar :

I can run the example but the code down below doesn't work This window appears everytime : Capture

Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong ? I have 24Go of RAM so it feels strange that it's not enough.

import sys

from time import sleep

import numpy as np

from beamngpy import BeamNGpy, Scenario, Vehicle, setup_logging
from beamngpy.sensors import Lidar

def main():

    beamng = BeamNGpy('localhost', 64256, home="../beamng-research_unlimited/trunk")

    # Create a scenario in west_coast_usa
    scenario = Scenario('west_coast_usa', 'research_test',
                        description='Random driving for research')

    # Set up first vehicle, with two cameras, gforces sensor, lidar, electrical
    # sensors, and damage sensors
    vehicle = Vehicle('ego_vehicle', model='etk800',
                      licence='AUBIN IA', color='White')

    lidar = Lidar(offset=(0, 0, 1.6), visualized=False)

    # Attach them
    vehicle.attach_sensor('lidar', lidar)

    scenario.add_vehicle(vehicle, pos=(-717.121, 101, 118.675), rot=(0, 0, 45))

    # Compile the scenario and place it in BeamNG's map folder

    # Start BeamNG and enter the main loop
    bng =
        bng.set_steps_per_second(60)  # With 60hz temporal resolution

        # Load and start the scenario
        # Put simulator in pause awaiting further inputs

        assert vehicle.skt
        # Send random inputs to vehice and advance the simulation 20 steps
        while True:


            # Retrieve sensor data and show the camera data.

            sensors = bng.poll_sensors(vehicle)


if __name__ == '__main__':
Palculator commented 4 years ago

Hello, unfortunately, neither my colleague or I seem to be able to recreate this issue, but we have seen it before in other users. The only real recommendation I can give is making sure your graphics drivers are fully up to date or doing a clean install of them, maybe reinstalling/upgrading DirectX and so on. If you google that specific error code with "beamng" you'll find various people randomly having it and those things solving it:

mihalykorodi commented 3 years ago

Hi All!

I am facing this issue too. It happens exactly on the second sensor poll, and driver update, cache clearing did not help. Plus info: I have AMD RX580.

Edit: It's definitely AMD specific. I've got a 980TI and it works perfectly!

davidp-ro commented 3 years ago

@mihalykorodi Hi there, have you managed to find a fix/workaround for this? I have basically the exact same issue (on an RX590, and unfortunately I don't have an Nvidia Card on hand) and nothing seems to help (downgrading drivers, updating drivers, reinstalling, all to no avail)...

Update if anyone encounters this in the future: Your best bet is to run beamNG in a VM, I for one couldn't figure out a solution to run it directly on my machine (r5 3600/rx590)

Update 2: Hey, so if you wanna give it a go, I put together this example to show how you could do the processing on the main machine and only collect data on the vm (as of writing this it's pretty thrown together, but it works)