Beckschen / 3D-TransUNet

This is the official repository for the paper "3D TransUNet: Advancing Medical Image Segmentation through Vision Transformers"
Apache License 2.0
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我在运行train脚本文件时出错 #4

Open usst-changbo opened 10 months ago

usst-changbo commented 10 months ago

run on fold: 0 / line 14: import: command not found / line 15: import: command not found / line 16: import: command not found / line 17: import: command not found / line 18: import: command not found / line 19: import: command not found / line 20: from: command not found / line 21: from: command not found / line 22: from: command not found / line 24: syntax error near unexpected token (' / line 24:def main():' 我已经安装好各种包,为什么会这样报错,我进一步该如何解决

Beckschen commented 10 months ago


Thanks for your interests. May you kindly provide your input command (how you run the project)?

Best Jieneng

usst-changbo commented 10 months ago


usst-changbo commented 10 months ago

export nnUNet_N_proc_DA=36 export nnUNet_codebase="/home/changbo/Segmentation/nnUNet_V1" export nnUNet_raw_data_base="/home/changbo/Segmentation/3D-TransUNet-main/nnUNet_raw_data_base/" export nnUNet_preprocessed="/home/changbo/Segmentation/3D-TransUNet-main/nnUNet_preprocessed" export RESULTS_FOLDER="/home/changbo/Segmentation/3D-TransUNet-main/results/"


echo $CONFIG

unit test

fold=0 echo "run on fold: ${fold}" nnunet_use_progress_bar=1 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0\ ../ --fold='0' --config='/home/changbo/Segmentation/3D-TransUNet-main/configs/Synapse/decoder_only.yaml' --resume=''

I modified part of the code in the file, as shown above, and then ran the file directly with the mouse. The following problem occurred, what happened?

(nnunetTransunet3d) [changbo@localhost scripts]$ /bin/bash /home/changbo/Segmentation/3D-TransUNet-main/scripts/

run on fold: 0 ../ line 14: import: command not found ../ line 15: import: command not found ../ line 16: import: command not found ../ line 17: import: command not found ../ line 18: import: command not found ../ line 19: import: command not found ../ line 20: from: command not found ../ line 21: from: command not found ../ line 22: from: command not found ../ line 24: syntax error near unexpected token (' ../ line 24:def main():'

usst-changbo commented 10 months ago

export nnUNet_N_proc_DA=36 WhaWhat is the purpose of this codet is the purpose of this code