Bee-Lab / BeelabUserBundle

:busts_in_silhouette: Simple user management for Symfony.
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Templates not found in Symfony 4.1 #12

Open lbm-services opened 5 years ago

lbm-services commented 5 years ago

After upgrading from Symfony 3.3 to 4.1 with Flex I found my custom beelab templates were not found until I changed the bundle subdirectory to lowercase

Symfony 3.3. path: /app/Resources/BeelabUserBundle/views/Auth/login.html.twig

working Symfony 4.1 path: /templates/bundles/BeelabUserBundle/auth/login.html.twig

NOT working Symfony 4.1 path: /templates/bundles/BeelabUserBundle/Auth/login.html.twig

Since I did not overwrite every beelab template I get this error:

Unable to find template "@BeelabUser/user/new.html.twig" (looked into: /usr/share/nginx/html/symfony4.1/templates/bundles/BeelabUserBundle, /usr/share/nginx/html/symfony4.1/vendor/beelab/user-bundle/Resources/views).

garak commented 5 years ago

Do you think this can be solved inside this bundle?