BenSmithers / MultiHex2

Refactor of MultiHex, making it way easier to work with.
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Rework Route finding Code #5

Open BenSmithers opened 2 years ago

BenSmithers commented 2 years ago

Right now the path-finding code is hard-coded into the Hex definition. It also explicitly depends on the overland module code. This is bad! Path finding should depend on the module

Idea: modules implement heuristic/cost functions based on two arbitrary hexes. These functions should be handed down to the Clicker by the main launch script.

BenSmithers commented 1 year ago

Moved the route finding entirely into the file, so rivers, roads, mobiles, etc. can all effect the route costs. Also added route options as an enum so different cost calculation methods can be used depending on what kind of route is asked for.