Benjamin-Loison / opentimestamps-client

OpenTimestamps client
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How to only run Bitcoin SPV to *less securely* verify OpenTimeStamps proofs? #11

Open Benjamin-Loison opened 2 months ago

Benjamin-Loison commented 2 months ago

If I remember correctly this is doable and I already discussed about that online.

Not in the original repository according to opentimestamps-client/issues/created_by/Benjamin-Loison just checking Benjamin-Loison and Benjamin Loison occurrences do not return any result. returns Benjamin_Loison/bitcoin but both issues and wiki do not seem interesting. does not seem interesting does not return anything.

Maybe took similar notes in the context of my Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique M2 internship. See mining-in-logarithmic-space/issues/8.

My Bitcoin Stack Exchange answer and comments do not seem interesting despite the potentially interesting comment 135971_87413.

If I remember correctly the trick is to disable network or peers with bitcoind. DuckDuckGo and Google "networkactive" "Benjamin Loison" do not return anything. Maybe I have not taken notes online or at all.

Tracked at: Benjamin_Loison/bitcoin/issues/2.

Benjamin-Loison commented 2 months ago
bitcoind --help
       Reduce storage requirements by enabling pruning (deleting) of old
       blocks. This allows the pruneblockchain RPC to be called to
       delete specific blocks and enables automatic pruning of old
       blocks if a target size in MiB is provided. This mode is
       incompatible with -txindex. Warning: Reverting this setting
       requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. (default: 0 =
       disable pruning blocks, 1 = allow manual pruning via RPC, >=550 =
       automatically prune block files to stay under the specified
       target size in MiB)


       Maintain at most <n> connections to peers (default: 125). This limit
       does not apply to connections manually added via -addnode or the
       addnode RPC, which have a separate limit of 8.

       Maximum per-connection receive buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: 5000)

       Maximum per-connection send buffer, <n>*1000 bytes (default: 1000)


       Tries to keep outbound traffic under the given target per 24h. Limit
       does not apply to peers with 'download' permission or blocks
       created within past week. 0 = no limit (default: 0M). Optional
       suffix units [k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T] (default: M). Lowercase is 1000
       base while uppercase is 1024 base


       Enable all P2P network activity (default: 1). Can be changed by the
       setnetworkactive RPC command


  -whitelist=<[permissions@]IP address or network>
       Add permission flags to the peers connecting from the given IP address
       (e.g. or CIDR-notated network (e.g. Uses
       the same permissions as -whitebind. Can be specified multiple
Benjamin-Loison commented 2 months ago
history | grep bitcoind
(until bitcoin-cli setnetworkactive false &> /dev/null; do echo 'Waiting' && sleep 1; done; echo 'bitcoind network is now disabled!') & bitcoind

does not seem better than bitcoind -networkactive=0.

Maybe it makes Python RPC work.

Benjamin-Loison commented 2 months ago
ots --no-bitcoin verify examples/hello-world.txt.ots
Assuming target filename is 'examples/hello-world.txt'
Not checking Bitcoin attestation; Bitcoin disabled
To verify manually, check that Bitcoin block 358391 has merkleroot 8a1b66ecb7cbd07d8139a7e7d7f2c41aab1f5009b8364aaf61d03ad245e47e00
Benjamin-Loison commented 2 months ago


import subprocess
import json
import requests

serverURL = f'http://user:test@localhost:8332'

def split_list(alist, wanted_parts):
    length = len(alist)
    return [alist[i*length // wanted_parts: (i+1)*length // wanted_parts] for i in range(wanted_parts)]

def pull(command, params, slices):
    paramsChunks = split_list(params, slices)
    pullResults = []
    for params in paramsChunks:
        payload = [{'method': command, 'params': [param]} for param in params]
        responses =, json=payload)
        data = responses.json()
        results = [response['result'] for response in data]
        pullResults += results
    return pullResults

def loadHeaders(break_at):
    global headers
    print('Loading headers...')
    headersNumber = break_at if break_at else int(cli(['getblockcount']))
    headerHashes = pull('getblockhash', list(range(headersNumber)), 2)
    headers = pull('getblockheader', headerHashes, 4)
    print('Headers were loaded!')
    return headersNumber

def cli(arguments):
    return subprocess.check_output(['bitcoin-cli'] + arguments).decode('utf-8')[:-1]

def cli_json(arguments):
    return json.loads(cli(arguments))
pull('getblockhash', [358391], 1)
[{"result":null,"error":{"code":-8,"message":"Block height out of range"},"id":null}]

Maybe what I did before was to check online the block hash (like, an API would be nice, is such an API) and then check locally with bitcoin-cli getblockheader 000000000000000003e892881a8cdcdc117c06d444057c98b6f04a9ee75a2319 if it matches with the height I provided and if it has the expected Merkle tree hash.