I encountered an error while loading the AcidIsland plug-in using the BentoBox plug-in. The error type is ClassCastException, which relates to the biome setting in the configuration file. Specifically, the plug-in failed in its attempt to deserialize Biome values because it was trying to convert the BIome enumeration type to String type. This error occurs when setting the default biomes of different worlds (such as the main world, Lower world, and End Earth).
Observed/Actual behavior
The following error occurred during startup:
[BentoBox] Could not deserialize. Attempt by world.bentobox.acidisland.AISettings setDefaultBiome to set to WARM_OCEAN
[BentoBox] Error message is: class org.bukkit.block.Biome cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (org.bukkit.block.Biome is in unnamed module of loader java.net.URLClassLoader @45fe3ee3; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.bukkit.block.Biome cannot be cast to class java.lang.String
at BentoBox-3.2.3.jar//world.bentobox.bentobox.database.yaml.YamlDatabaseHandler.deserializeValue(YamlDatabaseHandler.java:233)
Steps/models to reproduce
1.Install the latest versions of the BentoBox (3.2.3) and AcidIsland (1.20.0) plug-ins
2.Set the default biome in AcidIsland's configuration file, for example:
default-biome: "warm_ocean"
default-nether-biome: "nether_wastes"
default-end-biome: the_end
3.Startup server
4.Check the server log for ClassCastException related errors.
Expected behavior
I encountered an error while loading the AcidIsland plug-in using the BentoBox plug-in. The error type is ClassCastException, which relates to the biome setting in the configuration file. Specifically, the plug-in failed in its attempt to deserialize Biome values because it was trying to convert the BIome enumeration type to String type. This error occurs when setting the default biomes of different worlds (such as the main world, Lower world, and End Earth).
Observed/Actual behavior
The following error occurred during startup: [BentoBox] Could not deserialize. Attempt by world.bentobox.acidisland.AISettings setDefaultBiome to set to WARM_OCEAN [BentoBox] Error message is: class org.bukkit.block.Biome cannot be cast to class java.lang.String (org.bukkit.block.Biome is in unnamed module of loader java.net.URLClassLoader @45fe3ee3; java.lang.String is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap') java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.bukkit.block.Biome cannot be cast to class java.lang.String at BentoBox-3.2.3.jar//world.bentobox.bentobox.database.yaml.YamlDatabaseHandler.deserializeValue(YamlDatabaseHandler.java:233) ...
Steps/models to reproduce
1.Install the latest versions of the BentoBox (3.2.3) and AcidIsland (1.20.0) plug-ins 2.Set the default biome in AcidIsland's configuration file, for example: default-biome: "warm_ocean" default-nether-biome: "nether_wastes" default-end-biome: the_end 3.Startup server 4.Check the server log for ClassCastException related errors.
BentoBox version
01:15:46 INFO: Running PAPER 1.21.1.
01:15:46 INFO: BentoBox version: 3.2.3 01:15:46 INFO: Database: JSON 01:15:46 INFO: Loaded Game Worlds: 01:15:46 INFO: acidisland_world (AcidIsland): Overworld, Nether, The End 01:15:46 INFO: Loaded Addons: 01:15:46 INFO: AcidIsland 1.20.0 (ENABLED) 01:15:46 INFO: Bank 1.9.0 (ENABLED) 01:15:46 INFO: Biomes 2.2.0 (ENABLED) 01:15:46 INFO: CauldronWitchery 2.1.0 (ENABLED) 01:15:46 INFO: Chat 1.3.0 (ENABLED) 01:15:46 INFO: Level 2.17.0 (ENABLED) 01:15:46 INFO: MagicCobblestoneGenerator 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT-b297 (LOADED) 01:15:46 INFO: Visit 1.6.0 (LOADED) 01:15:46 INFO: Warps 1.16.0 (LOADED)
Plugin list
[01:16:36 INFO]: Server Plugins (104): [01:16:36 INFO]: Paper Plugins: [01:16:36 INFO]: - RoseStacker [01:16:36 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins: [01:16:36 INFO]: - AlchimiaVitae, AnimatedScoreboard, AntiWorldFly, BentoBox, BentoBox-AcidIsland, BentoBox-Bank, BentoBox-Biomes, BentoBox-CauldronWitchery, BentoBox-Chat, BentoBox-Level [01:16:36 INFO]: BentoBox-MagicCobblestoneGenerator, BentoBox-Visit, BentoBox-Warps, Boom, BotBridge, BuildingStaff, Bump, BungeeTabListPlus, Citizens, CMI [01:16:36 INFO]: CMILib, CoreProtect, CrystamaeHistoria, Cultivation, DankTech2, DynaTech, EBackupInv, EClean, eco, ElectricSpawners [01:16:36 INFO]: Elevator, EvenMoreFish, EWarp, ExoticGarden, EzSlimeFunAddon, FastAsyncWorldEdit, FastMachines, floodgate, FlowerPower, FluffyMachines [01:16:36 INFO]: FNAmplifications, FoxyMachines, Gastronomicon, GeneticChickengineering, GuguSlimefunLib, GuizhanCraft, GuizhanLibPlugin, HotbarPets, InfernalExpansion, InfinityExpansion [01:16:36 INFO]: InfinityExpansionAutomation, ItemNBTEdit, ItemsAdder, JustEnoughGuide, LiteSignIn, LiteXpansion, LogiTech, LoneLibs, LuckPerms, Magic8Ball [01:16:36 INFO]: Magmanimous, MMOItems, MobCapturer, Multiverse-Core, MythicLib, NBTAPI, Networks, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerEffect, PlayerPoints [01:16:36 INFO]: PlayerPrefix, PlugManX, PomaExpansion, ProtocolLib, Quaptics, QuickShop-Hikari, RedstoneConnector, SFCalc, SFWorldEdit, Shopkeepers [01:16:36 INFO]: SkinsRestorer, Slimefun, SlimeGlue, SlimeHUD, SlimeTinker, SlimyTreeTaps, SoulJars, SpaceTech, SpiritsUnchained, SummaryHelper [01:16:36 INFO]: Supreme, Themis, TranscEndence, TrChat, TrMenu, Vault, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, VillagerTrade, VillagerUtil [01:16:36 INFO]: WorldGuard, XConomy, ZMusic
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