Berational91 / DigimonVPet

Arduino (ESP32) based Digimon V-Pet with compatibility to real devices.
MIT License
132 stars 33 forks source link

Implement basic mechanics #10

Open VirtualDino opened 1 month ago

VirtualDino commented 1 month ago
VirtualDino commented 1 month ago

@BeRational @Berational91

I'm not sure if you will see this, but I have forked your project and have been implementing the basic mechanics. If you would like to collaborate together I am more than willing to do so and we can merge my work into your repository with this PR, otherwise I will continue working on this via my fork.

Berational91 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @VirtualDino, Thank you for your Contribution! I'm glad someone finds the interest and time to develop this project further. At the Moment, i am to busy to work on this project - but this will change in a couple of month.

I will go through your commits and check for violations of the established modeling. I already skimmed through some parts of your code and what i've seen looked good so far. So after checking the rest, i will approve the pull request.

Hopefully we can work together on this project in future!

Best regards Berat.