Bioconductor / BioC2021

BioC2021: Where Software and Biology Connect
MIT License
6 stars 8 forks source link

Bioconductor 2021 conference web site

This repository contains material for the Bioconductor annual conference. View the conference web site

  1. Make sure Hugo is installed. Check hugo version
hugo version
  1. Clone the repository and switch to it
git clone
cd BioC2021/
  1. Run hugo
rm -rf public; hugo --verbose; hugo server --disableFastRender --verbose

and view the results at http://localhost:1313/

  1. Host your site on Netlify, as described here. Use build command hugo, publish directory public, and set advanced variable HUGO_VERSION to your hugo version number, e.g., 0.76.5

Created using modified hugo-universal-theme. See the demo web site, the original github repository and the exampleSite files. Template by Bootstrapious. Ported to Hugo by DevCows. The theme is added as selected files, not as a submodule, for easier modification.

ToDo/Help wanted

New template

gdg-x/zeppelin - original conference template, GDG DevFest - demo web site. bcc2020/ - modified conference template for the BCC2020 conference