Bjornmamman / Our.Umbraco.SimpleTreeMenu

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On Umbraco 8 - Editor without permission to the Settings section cannot edit a SimpleTreeMenu based property #16

Closed doronuziel71 closed 3 years ago

doronuziel71 commented 3 years ago

Hi all, When an editor clicks on the Edit button to open the editting dialog, the Login screen shows.

The problem seems to relate to the usage of contentTypeResource which calls the ContentTypeController, which is restricted as follows: [UmbracoTreeAuthorize(Constants.Trees.DocumentTypes)]

Probably the usage of the entityResource which utilizes the EntityControllershould be considered. Unfurtunately the getAll function return items with empty alias, so its not that easy to and probably requires a revision of the unique-id being used 😞.

DarkSummon commented 3 years ago

Thanks @doronuziel71, I noticed this today too. Caused me a headache trying to understand what the cause was! Let me know if you find a workaround or solution, perhaps before an official release. Thanks.

stefankip commented 3 years ago

According to the release notes this was fixed in 1.1 right?