Black-Beard-Sdk / jslt

implementation of (custom) jslt in DOTNET
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jslt (json Stylesheet Language Transformations)

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Implementation of jslt language in DOTNET. Use a template for transform Json To another json. Consider the following template. note this template is a json that describe the structure of the target json. If the template is empty, the process return the initial source json.

Default case

For the template document

    { "n" : "name1" }

The result will be.

    { "name" : "name1" }

In this case the result is exactly what you have in the template, because you have not used any operations of transformation.

using Json path

In this case, the value is a json path. Json path is a query language for JSON, similar to XPath for XML. The implementation of JsonPath is did by newtonsoft. [SelectToken] by the method (

    { "name" : $.n }

The result will be an object with a property named "name" and the value will be the properties "n" at the root of the source json. The value '$..n' is a valid json path implemented by newtonsoft.

Using variables

you can manage variables

Like that


    "@a": 6, 
    "a" : @a,

    "@b" : { "Test1": { "Test2" : 8 } },  
    "bb" : @b:$.Test1.Test2


Using loop and array

If you want create an array with items of the source json, you can use the following syntax.

        "$source"       : $.items,
        "Key"           : $.name

Using method

you can use functions for extend the process.

Like that

    "property__name": mymethod( $.property, arg2, ...)

'mymethod' is the name of the service you want to call. The sdk provide another keys like sum or distinct. the list is available here. If you write your own method, you must register the methods before in the configuration. the arguments must be any json part (see the directives for register your extension).

    { "prices": method($..n) } 

A sample for call the method

    // Source
    { "prices": [{"n" : 1}, {"n" : 2}, {"n" : 3}] }

    // Template
    { "prices": sum($..n) } // sum method is a service registered in the service's list.

    // Result
    { "prices":  6 }

Using cast

for casting a value you must use this syntax '#type' after expression

Custom services

the customs services are used to extend the feature of the Sdk. You can create your own customs services.

That is the skeleton

[JsltExtensionMethod("method1")] // name of the method in the template
public static JToken ExtendTheSdkMethod1(RuntimeContext ctx)
    return new JValue("result");

I give you the method loadjson like sample

[JsltExtensionMethod("loadjson")] // name of the method in the template
[JsltExtensionMethodParameter("sourcePath", "directory source path")] // Provide intellisense in the code editor.
public static JToken ExecuteLoadSource(RuntimeContext ctx, string sourcePath)

    // Use the system for resolve the file with path relative to the current template script.
    var file = ctx.Configuration.ResolveFile(sourcePath);

    if (file.Exists)
        return file.FullName
            ctx.Diagnostics.AddDiagnostic(Parser.SeverityEnum.Warning, string.Empty, new Parser.TokenLocation(), "file.FullName", $"file '{file.FullName}' not found");

    return JValue.CreateNull();


Note, that you can add any parameter.


If you use a easy treatement, the template is a valid json structure. If you want do more the json syntax become verbose. It is for this reason I have extended the json syntax.


the method when is very usefull. it is like a switch case.

    "prices": when($.prop1) 
        "case1": { /* structure to inject if the value of '$.prop1' is equal to 'case1' */ }

Use array

Declare an array like a classical array. For setting an iterator you must just set the source "$" : iterator value.

    "$" : [{ "a" : "v1"}, { "a" : "v2"},{ "a" : "v3"}], 
    "items" : [
        "$" : $,
        "name": $.a

How to use

Command line

You can use the command line json.exe. Documentation of json cli.


You can use the command line json.exe. Documentation for launch docker.

By code

// Intialization of the configuration
var configuration = new TranformJsonAstConfiguration()
    OutputPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory,

// add a custom service : Note the services in the sdk are already registered
configuration.Services.ServiceDiscovery.AddService("serviceName", typeof(service));
// if you want to implement your service : use and implemente the interface Bb.Jslt.Services.ITransformJsonService                

TemplateTransformProvider Templateprovider = new TemplateTransformProvider(configuration);

//Build the template translator
StringBuilder sbPayloadTemplate = new StringBuilder(@"payload template");
JsltTemplate template = Templateprovider.GetTemplate(sbPayloadTemplate, false, "name of the template file");

// now the source json
// from text
var source1 = SourceJson.GetFromText("payload");
// from file
var source2 = SourceJson.GetFromFile("filename");
// from json
var source3 = SourceJson.GetFromJson(new JObject());

// Create the sources object with the primary source of data
var src = new Sources(source1);
// you can add additional source of datas

// Add a value for for accessing from the template
src.Variables.Add("My value", new JValue(1));

RuntimeContext ctx = template.Transform(src);
var result = ctx.TokenResult;

JSONPath notation

A JSONPath expression specifies a path to an element (or a set of elements) in a JSON structure. Paths can use the dot notation: The implementation is provided by newtonsoft.

Documentation of json path

Custom services embedded in the Sdk

Documentation of the Services

Directives of compilation

You can manage any directives


   "assemblies":["assembly name referenced in the gac"],
   "packages":["path of the package on"],
   "imports": ["path of the assembly flie"],
       "filter": $.datas,     // It is json path for filter just one part of the output document
       "mode": to_block(),    // Behavior the output serialization


Set the culture of the process. The Culture specifies a unique name for each culture, based on RFC 4646. The name is a combination of an ISO 639 two-letter lowercase culture code associated with a language and an ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code associated with a country or region. In addition, for apps that target .NET Framework 4 or later and are running under Windows 10 or later, culture names that correspond to valid BCP-47 language tags are supported.


Take a list of assemblies files. the path is relative to the json template file.


Take a list of assemblies name referenced in the GAC.


Take a list of c# source code file. the path is relative to the json template file. The file contains Csharp source code like this class see the DistinctService like sample


You can use

       "packages": ["path of the package {, optional version}"],
       "assemblies": ["assembly name"],
       "imports": ["path of the file assembly"],
       "functions": ["path of the csharp file"],


the output manage the serialization


Select just a part of the output document


the keyword Mode expect a function that serialize and format the output document.


If the output is an array all lines are serialized (one object by line)

to_json(bool indented, bool ignoreNullAndEmptyValues)

serialize the output in classical serialization

You can write your own serialize service. The returned type must be a StringBuilder

[JsltExtensionMethod("to_block", ForOutput = true)]
public static StringBuilder ExecuteToBlock(RuntimeContext ctx)

    var source = ctx.TokenResult;
    var result = new StringBuilder();

    if (source is JObject o)

    else if (source is JArray a)    
        foreach (var item in a)

    return result;
