Blazemeter / jmeter-http2-plugin

HTTP2 plugin for Apache JMeter
Apache License 2.0
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Cookie manager doesn't represent all cookies #32

Closed syampol closed 8 months ago

syampol commented 1 year ago

Cookies obtained from 1st request: image Only one of them was set within the next request image

According to log: image all four parameters were compressed with Hpack for the 2nd request.

But 1st of all this is not visible in UI. And 2nd - I still getting set-cookie on 2nd request for two of them

RicardoPoleo commented 1 year ago

Hello @syampol,

Thanks for taking the time to report this behaviour, it's a shame you are experiencing it.

In order to give a more accurate report, narrow down the issue and give you a faster solution, please, could you provide the following information?

  1. What version of the plugin are you using
  2. What version of JMeter are you using
  3. Could you provide a JMX or a way to replicate this behaviour?

After this, we are going to check it out in our end and come back to you as we detect and find a solution.

Once again, thanks for taking the time,


syampol commented 1 year ago

hi @RicardoPoleo tp attached.

jmeter 5.5 plugin - 2.0 from plugin manager (same for 2.0 build from commit:f781d43 in master). also tried 2.0.1 build from latest master, but failed with a 2sec timeout on a very 1st request (which is executed longer). haven't made out where this 2sec cam from so roll back to 2.0

discover several problems with the plugin. trying describe:

p.s. tried to create a branch with our custom workarounds for cookie handling. but failed to make push due to some permission restrictions. wasn't able to make it out..

RicardoPoleo commented 1 year ago

Hello @syampol,

We need to investigate that behavior for the 10 additional threads, because even though every VU in Jmeter, http2 connection or static resource opens a thread (or at least that's we have intended for it), the fact that it opens those 10 threads because of reasons, and don't use them, seems pretty weird. I apologize for it.

Also, regarding those changes for the CM: Did you make a public fork here in GitHub? I checked the repository's forks and didn't see it. If you haven't, could you give it a try and make a PR? We would review them and also mention you on the contributions for the release.

In the meanwhile, we will review this and the issue #24 on our end, to try to fix it.

Anyway, thank you very much for the extensive and detailed discoveries 🚀

syampol13 commented 1 year ago

Hi @RicardoPoleo

Regarding 10 additional threads - I didn't say those are not used. I said those looks mainly idle while watching with profile. Threads are created with the jetty httpClient.start(). I believe 10 is some default setting for the used thread pool. Need to investigate if this is configurable and if diminishing thread count may impact functionality itself. As I understand those additional threads are responsible for the communication and data processing (send, recv, pack, unpack etc.)

As for public fork - as I said I haven't succeed in this. Always getting permission denied error and can't solve it (( As for code change it's basically iterating jetty' CM in the HTTP2JettyClient.buildCookies and removing duplicates. It's not a full and mature fix, it's just a workaround that is suitable for our current needs (in combination with disabling the closeConnections in the HTTP2Sampler.iterationStart. This to not re-create a connecting and a jetty client on each new iteration)

Also regarding thread amount - what one of our DEV did is create a jetty http client with a configurable QueuedThreadPool thread pool. I haven't observed any unexpected issues running our test with such TP, configured with 3/4 as min/max TP size (vs 10/100 default settings). But still can't 100% sure tell that TP size can be shrunk with no future impact. It's just an observation from only one custom run...

3dgiordano commented 1 year ago

Hi @syampol13

We have made improvements to the http2 client. You can download the latest release or the latest alpha version and let us know if the reported issues are still occurring.

The alpha version The latest release 2.0.2

Let us know if it resolves what was reported in this issue.

PS: Related to cookies, If you have a fork where you made the fixes to the cookie manager, you can share the link with us and we will be able to see those suggestions.

SurenSritharan commented 1 year ago

@3dgiordano I've got a fix for saving multiple cookies. Please see:

3dgiordano commented 1 year ago

Hi @SurenSritharan

Thank you for your contribution, indeed there was a bug there. We fixed it and built in unit tests so we don't have a regression. The fix will be available in the next version release.

But you can try all the improvements that have been worked on lately in the alpha.2 version. It is available as a pre-release.

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Hi @SurenSritharan

The fix was released on the version 2.0.3/2.0.4

I'm going to close this issue assuming it was resolved.

If not, you can request reopening again, informing what the problem was detected with respect to what was reported in this issue.

Thank you.