It's possible to put Druids into a bugged Bearform state, where they can never leave cat-/bearform even when drinking potions.
How it works:
By stuffing the Buffbar of the Druid with 40+ buffs ( easily doable infight when 2 shamans are in group ), a shapeshift into bearform and back to humanform will make the client not register that the Bearform Buff was dropped ( similar to shadowform bug ).
This causes the druid to stay in bearform, but also not being able to shapeshift anymore until he relogs.
How it should work:
Shapeshifting out of Tree-/Moonkin-/Cat-/Bearform (And shadowform) should always send the client that the " fades" to avoid weird shapeshift behaviour. Drinking potions should always bring a cat/bear druid back into humanform.
Source - You need to provide a source as evidence:
(Normal class behaviour when buffcap isnt reached)
Additional Information:
The same bug is the reason for the "Shadowform bug" where the client for some reason doesnt register that the Aura faded and doesnt start the 1,5s cooldown of shadowform.
It's possible to put Druids into a bugged Bearform state, where they can never leave cat-/bearform even when drinking potions.
How it works:
By stuffing the Buffbar of the Druid with 40+ buffs ( easily doable infight when 2 shamans are in group ), a shapeshift into bearform and back to humanform will make the client not register that the Bearform Buff was dropped ( similar to shadowform bug ). This causes the druid to stay in bearform, but also not being able to shapeshift anymore until he relogs.
How it should work:
Shapeshifting out of Tree-/Moonkin-/Cat-/Bearform (And shadowform) should always send the client that the " fades" to avoid weird shapeshift behaviour. Drinking potions should always bring a cat/bear druid back into humanform.
Source - You need to provide a source as evidence:
(Normal class behaviour when buffcap isnt reached)
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