Exposing sub_0207B0B0 that adds commands on the Pokemon in the Party Menu including the TM/HM field moves.
Added a config switch to use a custom check for the field moves, i.e. allowing for adding Fly, Flash etc on Pokemon without learning the move.
Badge check, Tile check, etc are still in place when using the fieldmove from the menu. However the moves/buttons work as if the Pokemon would know the move.
Of course you can also remove the config and custom check when merging
Exposing sub_0207B0B0 that adds commands on the Pokemon in the Party Menu including the TM/HM field moves.
Added a config switch to use a custom check for the field moves, i.e. allowing for adding Fly, Flash etc on Pokemon without learning the move.
Badge check, Tile check, etc are still in place when using the fieldmove from the menu. However the moves/buttons work as if the Pokemon would know the move.
Of course you can also remove the config and custom check when merging
adding sub_0207AFC4 and sub_0207E3A8 might allow the increase of max number of the buttons in the menu. https://github.com/pret/pokeheartgold/blob/9acc3cfc970d6fa8fef2a57e5e016b6a2bd62a09/src/party_menu.c#L1583
sub_0207AFC4 added, defined more member of the PartyMenu struct