Bochlin / vunit-test-explorer

VUnit test explorer for VSCode
MIT License
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config test representation #8

Open halfow opened 4 years ago

halfow commented 4 years ago

I modified with [testlib.test_bench("tb_test1").test("test1").add_config(f"conf{n}") for n in range(0, 3)].

This adds some more configurations so I could see how they affected the test explorer outline and UI injected in the testbench (.vhd) of the test case with multiple configs.

It looks fine and is still really intuitive.

All though I would prefer if the test explorer out line would create tree for test cases with multiple configs.



Bochlin commented 4 years ago

That was my original intention, the problem is that there is no way for the extension to reliably determine the configuration name.

VUnit names the tests library.testbench.[configuration.]testname and since both configuration and testname are allowed to contain "." it is not possible to say "if name has four parts then third part is configuration name".

In order to group in the way you propose, the exported json from VUnit needs to support at least a field naming the configuration (if any). It may still be an improvement though to add one more level of hierarchy or allowing the user to set the maximum hierarchy depth, then at least the configurations would be grouped.