BrenoRev / BackEnd_CarRent

Projeto de criação de um back-end seguindo a arquitetura Rest para o teste técnico.
1 stars 2 forks source link

Angular's Project Back-End


Ferramentas utilizadas

  • Spring
  • H2-Database
  • JWT / Spring Security
  • Cryptografy BCrypt
  • Swagger-UI Documentation
  • Mock / JUnit 5 for Tests
  • Lombok
  •     </ul>

    Swagger Documentation API

    :warning: Put the Bearer Token on the authorization before each POST, PUT, DELETE OR PATCH REQUEST


    Development Setup


    Download or clone the code from this repository.

    If you download as a zip file, be sure to unzip it.

    Open your IDE and import the project as Maven Project

    Run project as Spring Boot Application

    The application should then compile and starting to mock SQL into H2-DB.