BrianRuizy / gatsby-minimal-portfolio

👔 JAMstack (Gatsby JS) content-focused portfolio blog starter. Features include dark-mode, installable PWA, SEO, code highlighting, form, CI/CD.
MIT License
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Hide mobile navbar on-scroll #6

Closed BrianRuizy closed 3 years ago

BrianRuizy commented 3 years ago

Make auto-hide toggleable for the mobile navbar

sid-r-singh commented 3 years ago

Seriously you want to do this ? Please please, I love that navbar & I want it on screen always. In case you want this feature to be implemented, please provide a option to enable/disable this feature, so that we can keep using it.

BrianRuizy commented 3 years ago

@sid-r-singh you're right, good idea. I'll make it optional to be always shown are auto-hide

sid-r-singh commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot 😄