Open Mark-H opened 12 years ago
Actually not able of getting MIGX to function even after creating the tables... I'm using the exact config from
Here's the result of the processor response:
<input type="hidden" class="mulititems_grid_item_fields" name="mulititems_grid_item_fields" value='[{"field":"MIGX_id","tv_id":"migxid"}]' />
<input type="hidden" class="tvmigxid" name="tvmigxid" value='1' />
<div id="modx-window-mi-grid-update-3-tabs">
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
Ext.onReady(function() {
xtype: 'modx-tabs'
,applyTo: 'modx-window-mi-grid-update-3-tabs'
,activeTab: 0
,autoTabs: true
,border: false
,plain: true
,width: '900px'
,hideMode: 'offsets'
,defaults: {
bodyStyle: 'padding: 5px;'
,autoHeight: true
,deferredRender: false
// ]]>
<br class="clear" />
Used this to create the tables:
getOption('migx.core_path',null,$modx->getOption('core_path').'components/migx/').'model/'; $modx->addPackage('migx',$modelPath); $manager = $modx->getManager(); $objects = array('migxConfig','migxConfigElement','migxElement'); foreach ($objects as $obj) { if ($manager->createObjectContainer($obj)) echo 'Object container created: '.$obj; else echo 'Error creating object container '.$obj; }
Re-installing, removing completely and downloading again, downgrading to 2.0.0 - nothing seems to help.
sorry, didn't a build-script by myself and don't have the time todo so, right now. I'm using packman to build the package.
for installaton instructions, see here:
did work on all installations without any issues I did so far.
do you have it online, can I see it?
Can you add me on skype [snip] or google chat [snip]?
By the way, it's no longer complaining about the tables, but there's still no fields to use when trying to add an item.
While the table creation probably still needs some attention, the form not showing up was caused by invalid invisible characters in the formtabs config which was fixed by getting rid of all the whitespace.
Thanks for the help Bruno, sorry for wasting your time. :D
You'll want to make sure your build creates the tables:
MODX 2.2.2-pl