BuddiesOfBudgie / budgie-desktop

Budgie Desktop is a familiar, modern desktop environment.
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[Bug] Screen brightness dims while i am watching a YouTube video #570

Closed reefsoft2 closed 2 months ago

reefsoft2 commented 2 months ago


I switched my old mid-2011 iMac to Ubuntu Budgie. Since then, when i watch a YouTube video, randomly, my screen's brightness dims. When i brighten the screen again, i can see in the overlay that the brightness reduced, sometimes even to 0.

Budgie version


Operating System

Ubuntu Budgie

Steps to reproduce the issue

The bug happens randomly, i can just recommend watching a YouTube video and to hope it happens.

Actual result

Fully described in the description

Expected result

The screen's brightness should stay user controlled.

Additional information

neofetch specs

       ./oydmMMMMMMmdyo/.              user@iMac 
    :smMMMMMMMMMMMhs+:++yhs:           ---------------------- 
 `omMMMMMMMMMMMN+`        `odo`        OS: Ubuntu Budgie 22.04.4 LTS x86_64 
/NMMMMMMMMMMMMN-            `sN/       Host: iMac12,1 1.0 

hMMMMmhhmMMMMMMh sMh Kernel: 6.5.0-28-generic .mMmo- /yMMMMm`MMm. Uptime: 9 hours, 25 mins mN/ yMMMMMMMd- MMMm Packages: 2686 (dpkg), 26 (snap) oN- oMMMMMMMMMms+//+o+: :MMMMo Shell: bash 5.1.16 m/ +NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm. :NMMMMm Resolution: 1920x1080 M .NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNodMMMMMMM DE: Budgie 10.6.1 M- sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM WM: Mutter(Budgie) mmmMMMMMMMMMNdhhdNMMMMMMMMMm Theme: QogirBudgie-dark [GTK2/3] oMm/ .dMMMMMMMMh: :dMMMMMMMo Icons: TelaBudgie-dark [GTK2/3] mMMNyo/:/sdMMMMMMMMM+ sMMMMMm Terminal: tilix .mMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMsNMMMm. CPU: Intel i5-2400S (4) @ 3.300GHz hMMMMMMMMMMM.oo+.MMMhGPU: AMD ATI Radeon HD 6630M/6650M/6750M/7670M/7690M /NMMMMMMMMMo sMN/ GPU: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family omMMMMMMMMy. :dmoMemory: 1955MiB / 5894MiB :smMMMMMMMh+- `.:ohs: ./oydmMMMMMMdhyo/.

serebit commented 2 months ago

Budgie 10.6.1 is well out of date—it came out two years ago. Regardless, this is unlikely to be an issue with Budgie itself, and more likely to be an issue with the GNOME stack and Mutter and gnome-settings-daemon. Budgie itself doesn't handle screen dimming on idle. I would be interested to see if this still happens if you upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04, though, since that has a much newer Budgie and GNOME.

reefsoft2 commented 2 months ago

upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04 for me means "remove flatpak, install snap..." Let's try it out still, if it might fix this problet