Bukimedia / PrestaSharp

CSharp .Net client library for the PrestaShop API via web service
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error updating in prestashop v #370

Open Rabi3k opened 4 years ago

Rabi3k commented 4 years ago

hey, I'm getting this error while updating order in prestashop v

error accured while updating order status through API:
at Bukimedia.PrestaSharp.Factories.RestSharpFactory.CheckResponse(IRestResponse response, RestRequest request) at Bukimedia.PrestaSharp.Factories.RestSharpFactory.Execute[T](RestRequest request) at Bukimedia.PrestaSharp.Factories.GenericFactory`1.Update(T Entity) at ETS_BusinessModel.Orders.UpdateOrderStatusAPI(IOrder sorder) in C:\Users\Rabi3\source\repos\ETS app\DesktopCMS application\ETS-DataSource\ETS-BusinessModel\Classes\Order.cs:line 311
Error message: id: 4657 application/xml:

4*** 3*** 3*** 8758 1 1 3**** 141 4 epay 5**** 2019-07-25 19:26:01 0 0000-00-00 00:00:00 1 2019-07-25 19:25:59 2019-07-26 15:56:18 1 1 2a2ae***********************a3983df2 Bambora Online ePay (ViaBill) 1 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 212.000000 212.000000 169.600000 212.000000 169.600000 212.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 123 1.000000 MJWQZBKWE 9662 335 70 1 Joyetech eGo AIO D22 - Vælg farve : Blå 5612 6956916404699 1 169.600000 212.000000 169.600000 ws_key: *********************************** Prestashop failed to serve XML response instead got text: HttpStatusCode: InternalServerError
ihorkolucky commented 1 year ago

Hi, did you resolve it, I have same error...

Rabi3k commented 1 year ago
