CAVaccineInventory / vial

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A smorgasbord of additional props for GeoJSON #338

Open obra opened 3 years ago

obra commented 3 years ago

Some of these fields will always be null for now, since we don't have the schema to support them

phone number google places id booking method booking url or phone vaccines offered (no schema for this yet, i know) vaccinespotter id

vaccinefinder id - we have a contractual requirement to include attribution on locations we get from vaccinefinder in the UI

date added to our db date last called by us (primarily so we can identify places we haven't called in the UI) date expected to shut down

breaking these out because we might do stuff in the UX based on the values: city state county zip

skalnik commented 3 years ago

Additionally I think we want to know the status of last report. I presume we don't want to be showing places we have deemed to not be vaccination locations.

alexmv commented 3 years ago

Do you want to know just "yes" / "no", or anything more granular?

alexmv commented 3 years ago

It is also currently possible to have a "neither yes, no, nor skip" in the current taxonomy, it all of its tags are within a particular set. How would you like those reported?

obra commented 3 years ago

all of the eligibility determined" tags imply yes, I believe. If eligibility decisions are delegated to another party, It is a vaccination clinic. But exposing those tags as an ' this location's eligibility is determined by': key seems not wrong

alexmv commented 3 years ago

all of the eligibility determined" tags imply yes, I believe.

@simonw: I think that means we should update those tags to be group = yes. Do you agree?