CCBR / Pipeliner

An open-source and scalable solution to NGS analysis powered by the NIH's Biowulf cluster.
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Python 2.7 module should be explicitly specified in all Pipeliner Rules. Python 2.7 will not be the default on biowulf. #440

Closed kopardev closed 4 years ago

kopardev commented 4 years ago

I found a few places where I may need to explicitly module load python/2.7 as to not cause any problems. I will update things as needed.

user@cn0949: $ find . -type f -exec grep 'module' {} \+ | grep 'python' | grep -v 'python/' | grep 'python'
./Rules/ChIPseq.snakefile:module load {params.pythonver}
./Rules/InitialChIPseqQC.snakefile:        commoncmd="module load {params.deeptoolsver}; module load python;"
./Rules/InitialChIPseqQC.snakefile:        commoncmd="module load {params.deeptoolsver}; module load python;"
./Rules/InitialChIPseqQC.snakefile:        commoncmd="module load {params.deeptoolsver}; module load python;"
./Rules/InitialChIPseqQC.snakefile:        commoncmd="module load {params.deeptoolsver}; module load python;"
./Rules/initialqcrnaseq.snakefile:    os.system("module load "+params.pythonver+";python "+params.pythonscript+" "+input.groupsfile+" > "+output.outfile)
./Rules/initialqcrnaseq.snakefile:module load {params.pythonver}
./Rules/rnaseq.snakefile:module load {params.pythonver}
./Rules/rnaseq.snakefile:module load {params.pythonver}
./Rules/rnaseq.snakefile:module load {params.pythonver}
./Rules/rnaseqforfusions.rl:  shell: "module load R/3.5;module load picard/2.17.11; java -Xmx10g -jar $PICARDJARPATH/picard.jar CollectRnaSeqMetrics REF_FLAT={params.refflat} INPUT={input.file1} OUTPUT={output.outstar1} RIBOSOMAL_INTERVALS={params.rrnalist}  STRAND_SPECIFICITY=SECOND_READ_TRANSCRIPTION_STRAND TMP_DIR=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID  VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT; java -Xmx10g -jar $PICARDJARPATH/picard.jar CollectInsertSizeMetrics INPUT={input.file1} OUTPUT={output.outstar3} HISTOGRAM_FILE={output.outstar4} MINIMUM_PCT=0.5 TMP_DIR=/lscratch/$SLURM_JOBID ;module load samtools; samtools flagstat {input.file1} > {output.outstar2}; module load python; python Scripts/ {input.file1} >> {output.outstar2} "
./Rules/          shell("module load snpEff;{params.snpeff} -v {params.genome} -c {params.effconfig} %s -interval {params.hapmap} interval {params.regulomeDB} -stats %s > %s; cat %s | python {params.firstanno}> %s; cat %s | {params.snpsift} filter \"{params.filtersift}\" > %s"%(ifile,ohtml,osnpeff,osnpeff,ofirst,ofirst,ofilter))      
./Rules/         shell("module load snpEff; {params.snpeff} -v {params.genome} -c {params.effconfig} {0} -stats {1} > {2}; cat {2} | python {params.firstanno}> {3}; cat {3} | {params.snpsift} filter \"{params.filtersift}\" > {4}".format(ifile,ohtml,osnpeff,ofirst,ofilter))
./Rules/strelka.rl:    shell: "module load strelka/2.9.0; module load python; --ref={params.genome} --tumor={params.dir}/{input.tumor} --normal={params.dir}/{input.normal} --runDir={output.outdir} --exome; cd {output.outdir}; ./ -m local -j {threads}; {params.gatk} -T CombineVariants -R {params.genome} --variant results/variants/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz --variant results/variants/somatic.indels.vcf.gz --assumeIdenticalSamples --filteredrecordsmergetype KEEP_UNCONDITIONAL -o {output.vcf}; {params.gatk} -T SelectVariants -R {params.genome} --variant {output.vcf} --excludeFiltered -o {output.vcffiltered}; cd {params.dir}/strelka_out; module load samtools/1.6; echo $'NORMAL {params.normalsample}\nTUMOR {params.tumorsample}' > {output.names}; bcftools reheader -o {} -s {output.names} {output.vcffiltered}; module load snpEff/4.3t; java -Xmx12g -jar $SNPEFF_JAR -v {params.snpeffgenome} -c {params.effconfig} -cancer -canon -csvStats {output.csvstats} -stats {output.htmlstats} -cancerSamples {params.dir}/pairs {} > {output.out}"
./Rules/wgs_strelka.rl:    shell: "module load strelka/2.9.0; module load python; --ref={params.genome} --tumor={params.dir}/{input.tumor} --normal={params.dir}/{input.normal} --runDir={output.outdir}; cd {output.outdir}; ./ -m local -j {threads}; {params.gatk} -T CombineVariants -R {params.genome} --variant results/variants/somatic.snvs.vcf.gz --variant results/variants/somatic.indels.vcf.gz --assumeIdenticalSamples --filteredrecordsmergetype KEEP_UNCONDITIONAL -o {output.vcf}; {params.gatk} -T SelectVariants -R {params.genome} --variant {output.vcf} --excludeFiltered -o {output.vcffiltered}; cd {params.dir}/strelka_out; module load samtools/1.6; echo $'NORMAL {params.normalsample}\nTUMOR {params.tumorsample}' > {output.names}; bcftools reheader -o {} -s {output.names} {output.vcffiltered}; module load snpEff/4.3t; java -Xmx12g -jar $SNPEFF_JAR -v {params.snpeffgenome} -c {params.effconfig} -cancer -canon -csvStats {output.csvstats} -stats {output.htmlstats} -cancerSamples {params.dir}/pairs {} > {output.out}"

In reponse to:

Dear HPC users,

Support for Python 2.7 has officially ended January 1, 2020 though one more release is planned for mid April 2020. See


Therefore, on April 15, 2020 the python/3.7 module will become the default Python module on biowulf. The python/2.7 module will continue to be available after this date but not as the default.

Please update your code and workflows as needed.
skchronicles commented 4 years ago


Explicitly loading exact module of python as needed