CCMS-UCSD / GNPS_Workflows

Public Workflows at GNPS
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There was an error retrieving the result data for block "main" of workflow type "MOLECULAR-LIBRARYSEARCH-GC". #862

Open KolDmitry opened 1 year ago

KolDmitry commented 1 year ago

Good day!

I work with GC-MS data (from Single Quad). Before uploaded files into the GNPS, I have got a specific feature list from the MzMine 3 (Export feature list through the GNPS-GC-MS (with ADAP) algorithm). Three files (.mgf / .quant / Carbon Marker file) I have sent into the GNPS platform for analysis (Molecular Networking). The analysis was completed without errors (Status - Done). But I can't see any received response from the library (hits). I got an error: "There was an error retrieving the result data for block "main" of workflow type "MOLECULAR-LIBRARYSEARCH-GC"."

Also can't see the files in qlime2 in advanced views option. Every time I get errors. Please help me figure it out, maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Screenshots image

About qlime2: image

Thank you a lot! Dmitry