For the eCRs below, the Specimen (Source) is not displaying in the Lab info section. Please fix the FHIR conversion of this value to ensure that the specimen value displays when available.
In the XML, you can find Specimen (Source) under: comp.procedure.participant.participantRole.playingEntity.code.originalText._
Potential problem: In the relevant liquid section that finds the specimen value (see Notes section below), we do not include or search for this path.
Potential solution: Add an elsif conditional for comp.procedure.participant.participantRole.playingEntity.code.originalText._ in the liquid template that finds the specimen value.
TN_sample eCR2
In the XML: comp.procedure.participant.participantRole.playingEntity.code.displayName._
Potential problem: see below.
Current code (only checks the first entry.organizer.component, not each one being looped through):
When a lab specimen (source) information is available, it should be displayed under the Specimen (Source) row for the Lab Result.
Actual result
Example from 6a6bcd7d-7bad-48f6-9e0b-39a4ec9e063e:
Provide an estimate for level of impact the bug has today by placing an X in the applicable bracket
[ ] Low priorityThe bug does not have to be fixed immediately. High and medium priority bugs should be addressed first.
[ ] Medium priorityTypically, medium-priority bugs do not affect customers directly and therefore can be fixed in the normal course of testing and development.
[x] High priorityHigh priority bugs must be addressed immediately. They often affect the app’s functionality and impact customers and their user experience. They must take priority.
Relevant liquid section that finds the Specimen (Source) value for FHIR conversion:
Code from containers/fhir-converter/Templates/eCR/Entry/Result/_entry.liquid
For the eCRs below, the Specimen (Source) is not displaying in the Lab info section. Please fix the FHIR conversion of this value to ensure that the specimen value displays when available.
conditional forcomp.procedure.participant.participantRole.playingEntity.code.originalText._
in the liquid template that finds the specimen value.TN_sample eCR2
Current code (only checks the first
, not each one being looped through):Potential solution: minor code fix (check the specific component that is being looped through):
Steps to reproduce
Example eCRs:
Expected Result
When a lab specimen (source) information is available, it should be displayed under the Specimen (Source) row for the Lab Result.
Actual result
Example from
Provide an estimate for level of impact the bug has today by placing an X in the applicable bracket
Relevant liquid section that finds the Specimen (Source) value for FHIR conversion:
gets passed intoResource/Observation