CHOP-CGTInformatics / REDCapTidieR

Makes it easy to read REDCap Projects into R
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Please update redcapAPI reference #167

Closed spgarbet closed 7 months ago

spgarbet commented 7 months ago

In the JOSS paper, please update the redcapAPI reference. In review I realized the existing reference one was out of date, and due to a few changes of ownership we have no control over the old DOI. I apologize, but this has the benefit that it's now as up to date as I can make it.

The new one is:

rsh52 commented 7 months ago

Thank you for letting us know! I will apply this update soon.

rsh52 commented 7 months ago

@spgarbet Should I also be updating the URL to your new vubiostat repo? The citation on CRAN and what comes up in the repo is still the Benjamin's repo.

spgarbet commented 7 months ago

Where do you see that?

spgarbet commented 7 months ago

Is it the README? I'm waiting on a bug fix and that will get pushed and changed in the next CRAN update.

rsh52 commented 7 months ago

When you click on the citation option it appears here:

spgarbet commented 7 months ago

I see. There's an inst/CITATION file that needs updating.

spgarbet commented 7 months ago

rsh52 commented 7 months ago

Perfect, thanks! Applied in upcoming branch/PR

spgarbet commented 7 months ago

I just updated the author list to include everyone I can identify from the git log history.