[X] Short (1 sentence) summary of your PR:
This PR provides a new driver/coupler to NASA GMAO's GEOS-ESM.
[X] Developer(s):
[X] Suggest PR reviewers from list in the column to the right.
@eclare108213, @apcraig, @dabail10
[X] Please copy the PR test results link or provide a summary of testing completed below.
Full base_suite with both base tag (main) and this PR and got bit-for-bit identical results
How much do the PR code changes differ from the unmodified code?
[X] bit for bit
[ ] different at roundoff level
[ ] more substantial
Does this PR create or have dependencies on Icepack or any other models?
[ ] Yes
[X] No
Does this PR update the Icepack submodule? If so, the Icepack submodule must point to a hash on Icepack's main branch.
[X] Yes
[ ] No
Does this PR add any new test cases?
[ ] Yes
[X] No
Is the documentation being updated? ("Documentation" includes information on the wiki or in the .rst files from doc/source/, which are used to create the online technical docs at https://readthedocs.org/projects/cice-consortium-cice/. A test build of the technical docs will be performed as part of the PR testing.)
[ ] Yes
[X] No, does the documentation need to be updated at a later time?
[X] Yes
[ ] No
[X] Please document the changes in detail, including why the changes are made. This will become part of the PR commit log.
Adds a new driver for GEOS-ESM under drivers/mapl/geos
Adds a separate land sea mask to run thermodynamics ONLY
When proper, use GEOSCOUPLED macro to isolate the relevant code specific to GEOS
Hi Consortium, this PR is two years of efforts to bring in CICE6/Icepack to GEOS-ESM coupled model. We have been successfully using it in our coupled GEOS-MOM6-CICE6 experiments. I appreciate your review and feedbacks and am happy to improve it along the way. Thank you.
PR checklist
macro to isolate the relevant code specific to GEOSHi Consortium, this PR is two years of efforts to bring in CICE6/Icepack to GEOS-ESM coupled model. We have been successfully using it in our coupled GEOS-MOM6-CICE6 experiments. I appreciate your review and feedbacks and am happy to improve it along the way. Thank you.