CIRA-Pulsars-and-Transients-Group / vcsbeam

Beamforms MWA-VCS data
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VCSBeam is designed to process high time resolution (HTR) data recorded by the Voltage Capture System (VCS) subsystem of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) telescope. It consists of

  1. A C library that can be used to create custom applications for processing VCS data,
  2. A suite of programs (see [Applications](@ref installationapplications) below).


See the Installation Guide


A Docker image containing (a possibly deprecated version of) similar beamforming code can be found here.



You can reference this repository using: DOI

If you use the MWA beamformer, please give credit by citing: Ord et al. (2019)

If you used polarimetry, please give credit by citing: Xue et al. (2019)

If you used the inverse PFB, please give credit by citing: McSweeney et al. (2020)