CJex / hol-light

HOL Light is an interactive theorem prover / proof checker. Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/hol-light
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                         HOL LIGHT

HOL Light is an interactive theorem prover / proof checker. It is written in Objective CAML (OCaml) and uses the toplevel from OCaml as its front end. This is the HOL Light homepage:


Basic installation instructions are below. For more detailed information on usage, see the Tutorial:


Refer to the reference manual for more details of individual functions:

    http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/hol-light/reference.html (HTML files)
    http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/hol-light/reference.pdf (one PDF file)

For information on using HOL Light with the native OCaml toplevel (which generally leads to something like a 4x improvement in runtime at the cost of much longer load times), see (or run) INSTALL_OCAMLNAT.

    *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *


The Objective CAML (OCaml) implementation is a prerequisite for running HOL Light. HOL Light should work with any recent version of OCaml; I've tried it on at least 3.04, 3.06, 3.07+2, 3.08.1, 3.09.3, 3.10.0, 3.11.2 and 4.00. However, for versions >= 3.10 (in 3.10 there was an incompatible change in the camlp4 preprocessor) you will also need to get camlp5 (version >= 4.07). Installing both items of software should not be too difficult, depending on the platform.

  1. OCaml: there are packages for many Linux distributions. For example, on a debian derivative like Ubuntu, you may just need to do the following:

    sudo apt-get install ocaml

    Alternatively you can download binaries directly, or get sources and build them (which in my experience is usually trouble-free). See the OCaml Web page for downloads and other information.

  2. camlp5: this is needed to run HOL Light under any OCaml >= 3.10. Somtimes you need a recent version of camlp5 to be compatible with your OCaml. I recommend downloading the sources for a recent version from


    and building it in "strict" mode before installing it, thus:

    cd software/camlp5-6.06 [or wherever you unpacked sources to]
    ./configure --strict
    make world.opt
    sudo make install       [assuming no earlier errors]

    There are also packages for camlp5, so you may be able to get away with just something like

    sudo apt-get install camlp5

    However, you may get a version in "transitional" instead of "strict" mode (do "camlp5 -pmode" to check which you have).

I encountered a couple of problems when building with OCaml 4.00: if you hit the same issues, you may like to try the same fix, or suggest better ones.

1. The "toploop.cmi" file has moved down into a subdirectory
   "compiler-libs". You can fix this by adding

        -I +compiler-libs

    to your "ocaml" invocation, though I found it easier simply to
    make a link like to the old location like this:

        cd /usr/local/lib/ocaml [or wherever your lib directory is]
        sudo ln -s compiler-libs/toploop.cmi .

2. For some reason, I did not get the "dllnums.so" file so I
   copied it manually after building:

        sudo cp <...>/ocaml-4.00.0/otherlibs/num/dllnums.so /usr/local/lib/ocaml

Now for HOL Light itself. The instructions below assume a Unix-like environment such as Linux [or Cygwin (see www.cygwin.com) under Windows], but the steps automated by the Makefile are easy enough to invoke manually. There's more detail on doing that in the Tutorial.

(0) You can download the HOL Light sources from the Google Code site. For example, the following will copy the code from the trunk of the Google Code repository into a new directory 'hol_light':

    svn checkout http://hol-light.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ hol_light

The above is now the recommended way of getting HOL Light. There
are also gzipped tar files on the HOL Light Web page, but they are
only for quite old versions and will probably be difficult to use
with recent versions of OCaml.

You should next enter the 'hol_light' directory that has been

    cd ./hol_light

There are now two alternatives: launch the OCaml toplevel and directly load the HOL Light source files into it, or create a standalone image with all the HOL Light sources pre-loaded. The latter is more convenient, but requires a separate checkpointing program, which may not be available for some platforms. First the basic approach:

(1) Do 'make'. This ought to build the appropriate syntax extension file ('pa_j.cmo') for the version of OCaml that you're using. If you have the camlp4 or camlp5 libraries in a non-standard place rather than /usr/local/lib/ocaml/camlp4 or /usr/local/lib/ocaml/camlp5 then you may get an error like this

  Error while loading "pa_extend.cmo": file not found in path.

in which case you should add the right directory to CAMLP4LIB or

  export CAMLP5LIB=$HOME/mylib/ocaml/camlp5

(2) Do 'ocaml' (possibly 'ocamlnum' on some platforms --- see [*] below). You should see a prompt, something like:

            Objective Caml version 3.08.2


(3) At the OCaml prompt '#', do '#use "hol.ml";;' (the '#' is part of the command, not the prompt) followed by a newline. This should rebuild all the core HOL Light theories, and terminate after a few minutes with the usual OCaml prompt, something like:

    val define : term -> thm = <fun>
    - : unit = ()
    val help : string -> unit = <fun>
    - : unit = ()
            Camlp5 Parsing version 3.10


HOL Light is now ready for the user to start proving theorems. You
can also use the load process (2) and (3) in other directories, but
you should either set the environment variable HOLLIGHT_DIR to point
to the directory containing the HOL source files, or change the
first line of "hol.ml" to give that explicitly, from

    let hol_dir = ref (try Sys.getenv "HOLLIGHT_DIR" with Not_found -> Sys.getcwd());;

to, for example

    let hol_dir = "/home/johnh/hol_light";;


    let hol_dir = "/usr/share/hol";;

Now for the alternative approach of building a standalone image. The level of convenience depends on the checkpointing program you have installed. The earlier checkpointing programs in this list are more convenient to use but seem less easy to get going on recent Linux kernel/libc combinations.

(1) If you have the 'ckpt' program installed, then the Makefile will conveniently create a HOL Light binary. You can get 'ckpt' here:


Once 'ckpt' is installed, simply type

    make hol

in the 'hol_light' directory, and a standalone HOL Light image
called 'hol' should be created. If desired you can move or copy
this to some other place such as '~/bin' or '/usr/local/bin'. You
then simply type 'hol' (or './hol') to start the system up and
start proving theorems.

Note that although the HOL binary will work on its own, it
does not pre-load all the source files. You will probably want
to keep the sources available to be loaded later as needed (if
you need additional mathematical theories or tools), so it's
better to unpack the HOL distribution somewhere permanent
before doing 'make hol'.

If you later develop a large body of proofs or tools, you can
save the augmented system using the command "self_destruct"
(this is the same approach as in the Makefile) rather than
re-load each time. For example, the following will create a
HOL Light binary (always called 'hol.snapshot'):

    self_destruct "My version of HOL Light";;

(2) Another checkpointing option is CryoPID, which you can get here:


In this case, the Makefile doesn't have a convenient way of
making HOL binaries, but you can make one yourself once HOL
Light is loaded and you are sitting in its toplevel loop.
(This also works if you have your own extensions loaded, and
indeed this is when it's most useful.) Instead of the
'self_destruct' command, use 'checkpoint', which is similar
except that the current process is not terminated once the
binary (again called hol.snapshot) is created:

    checkpoint "My version of HOL Light";;

(3) A third option which seems to work with recent Linuxes is DMTCP, which you can download from here:


You may try installing from the packages (e.g.
'sudo dpkg -i dmtcp.deb'), but I found it was better to
compile from source. HOL Light does not have convenient
commands or scripts to exploit DMTCP, but you can proceed
as follows:

    1. Start ocaml running under the DMTCP coordinator:

          dmtcp_checkpoint -n ocaml

    2. Use ocaml to load HOL Light as usual, for example:

          #use "hol.ml";;

    3. From another terminal, issue the checkpoint command:

         dmtcp_command --checkpoint

    4. (Don't forget this!) Kill the original ocaml process,
       e.g. by just typing control-d to the Ocaml prompt.

    5. Step 3 created a checkpoint of the OCaml process and
       a shell script to invoke it, both in the directory in
       which ocaml was started. Running that should restore
       the OCaml process with all your state and bindings:


(4) If none of these options work, you may find some others on the following Web page. Unfortunately I don't know of any such checkpointing program for either Windows or Mac OS X; I would be glad to hear of one.


The directories "Library" and "Examples" may give an idea of the kind of thing that might be done, or may be useful in further work.

Thanks to Carl Witty for help with Camlp4 porting and advice on checkpointing programs.

    *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *

[*] HOL Light uses the OCaml 'num' library for multiple-precision rationals. On many platforms, including Linux and native Windows, this will be loaded automatically by the HOL root file 'hol.ml'. However, OCaml on some platforms (notably Cygwin) does not support dynamic loading, hence the need to use 'ocamlnum', a toplevel with the 'num' library already installed. This is normally created as part of the OCaml build, but if not, you can make your own with:

ocamlmktop -o ocamlnum nums.cma