CLARIAH / burgerLinker

Command line tool for linking civil registries
MIT License
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Howto build working burgerLinker.jar #15

Open coret opened 2 years ago

coret commented 2 years ago

The documentation doesn't describe the build (and release) process. As this is a Java project and Maven is used, I figured the standard command to use is mvn clean package (which assumes you have installed Maven before, eg. sudo apt install maven).

As a non-Java-programmer, I only got this working if I deleted the entire src/test/ directory, otherwise the mvn clean package failed with an [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project wp4-links: Fatal error compiling: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: message.

mvn clean package produces the file target/wp4-links-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar. To get this Jar to work like the burgerLinker.jar as released in this repo, the file pom.xml needs to be changed in 2 places. should we changed to

Next, after the following line <manifestEntries><Class-Path>.</Class-Path></manifestEntries> should be added.

With these changes mvn clean package will produce a working Jar.

Please have an experienced Java programmer have a look at the build process (an fix the mentioned issues) and include documentation.

raadjoe commented 2 years ago

Hi Bob, I know this might not be the best practice, but I only use maven for importing libraries. For creating the runnable JAR file (burgerLinker.jar), I simply use the export interface from the Eclipse IDE. Here's an example for creating the runnable JAR using Eclipse.

coret commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the Eclipse IDE tip. Guess that's where the file comes in? Will consider installing this IDE, but in general prefer an automated build instead of manual steps :-)