Open emilbols opened 6 years ago
i have the same issue in 9_4_1 running on /eos/cms/store/mc/RunIIFall17MiniAOD/QCD_Pt_50to80_TuneCP5_13TeV_pythia8/MINIAODSIM/94X_mc2017_realistic_v11_ext1-v1/70000/6025D7BF-6732-E811-9F96-FA163EDF22C6.root
Hi, thanks for pointing that out. It is not quite obvious to me how this happens. For now, I would suggest to remove this part of the code entirely (but don't remove the branch), and then work on a solution before re-implementing it. @daseith , can you please take care of this?
an extra thing, I can run with the PR on the phase II samples without a problem. I assume this is what david tested on, and indeed, it seems to work fine here.
I will look into it. It seems to me the problem arises from the iterator in the loop. So maybe it is enough to replace the iterator in the for loop and loop over the vector in a different way.
Please first remove it for now such that the code is usable. Once you have a fix, make another PR to re-implement it.
I tried a couple of things now without success. Right now I don't know how to fix this issue. It seems to me currently like the reference to the individual GenParticles in the Jet is simply missing in the 94X samples and therefore one cannot access them.
Ok, given this is more a monitoring branch for studies, is there a way we can just not calculate the variable if the reference is missing? If so, please just implement it like this.
A simple thing one could do would be to just embrace the code in a try catch block.
I was able to run the 94X branch in 10_0_1 without issues, but after PR , this appears to be no longer possible.
The ntuplizer fails with exception:
"RefCore: A request to resolve a reference to a product of type 'std::vector \<reco::GenParticle> ' with ProductID '2:3084' can not be satisfied because the product cannot be found."
specifically it seems to come when calling (*bhad_in_jet)->pt(), i.e.
An example of a file I use is: /eos/cms/store/mc/RunIISpring18MiniAOD/QCD_HT2000toInf_TuneCP5_13TeV-madgraph-pythia8/MINIAODSIM/100X_upgrade2018_realistic_v10-v1/00000/26656634-1247-E811-BE41-FA163E262593.root
After reverting PR , I can run without issues.