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Documentation for kcalibration_xxxx-files #52

Open baardkrk opened 3 years ago

baardkrk commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to project the world coordinate-points given in the hdPose3d_stage1_coco19 directory into the corresponding depth images for each of the kinects.

The univ_time given in the pose-file is matched up to the closest frame using the sync-tables.

In the kcalibration_xxxx files an array of sensors are given. The sensor objects in the array does not have an ID, so I assume that they are sorted such that the sensor at index 0 corresponds to the KINECTNODE1, the sensor at index 1 corresponds to KINECTNODE2 and so on. Is this assumption correct?

However, I don't get plausible coordinates using the following code (distortion is not yet applied, but I don't think it will have that big of an effect)

    def reproject_point(self, kinect_n: str, coord):
        Find the x, y position of the given 3d point in the kinect
        :param kinect_n: kinect node ("KINECTNODE[1-10])")
        :param coord:    world coordinates in a 1x3 vector
        :return:         (row, column) in the given kinect depth image
        sensor = self.sensors[int('\d+', kinect_n).group()) - 1]  # Minus 1 because idx starts at 0
        m_world = np.array(sensor['M_world2sensor'], dtype=float)
        m_depth = np.array(sensor['M_depth'], dtype=float)
        k_depth = np.array(sensor['K_depth'])
        distort_d = np.array(sensor['distCoeffs_depth'])

        _m = np.matmul(m_depth, m_world.transpose())
        _extrinsic = np.matmul(_m, np.append(coord, 1).transpose())
        _extrinsic = np.matmul(np.eye(3, 4), _extrinsic.transpose())
        _intrinsic = np.matmul(k_depth, _extrinsic)
        row, column = _intrinsic[0]/_intrinsic[2], _intrinsic[1]/_intrinsic[2]

        return int(row), int(column)

Can anyone spot my error, or is one or more of my assumptions incorrect? I suspect the assumption that the indices of the sensor array correspond to the kinectnode-number is not correct, however, I can't find a mapping for the indices to the kinectnode-numbers. Would be great if anyone knows.