COS420-Fall24 / Team-E

Team E's repository for COS 420 - Fall of 2024
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Quality check sprint backlog (due 12/8) #163

Open BriannaGannett opened 3 days ago

BriannaGannett commented 3 days ago

Sprint Backlog 5 (/5)

The comments and feedback from the prior Deliverable must be addressed. For any comment that was not addressed, deduct -2 points. Contains only the stories (user stories and technical and non-technical stories) you commit to working on and delivering for prior Deliverable. Should reflect the product backlog. That is, all the user stories that are assigned to this Sprint in the product backlog, should be shown in this Sprint Backlog. For any missing user story, deduct -2 points. If the Sprint Backlog 3 does not reflect the product backlog, deduct -5 points. You must have other technical tasks in your backlog otherwise -5. You must have other tasks in the backlog, like documentation, requirements, UI mockups, etc. As covered in class sessions, these are called non-technical stories. Otherwise -5. Sprint backlog must have accurate information about who did what % of the work. The sprint retrospective is a good time to fill that in, so you can see the difference between planned and actual effort.