CS2Plugins / WeaponRestrict

The Unlicense
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error - windows server #15

Closed mayersgamer closed 1 month ago

mayersgamer commented 3 months ago

%%%%%% console loading %%%%%%

12:35:34 [INFO] (cssharp:PluginContext) Unloading plugin WeaponRestrict 12:35:34 [INFO] (cssharp:PluginContext) Finished unloading plugin WeaponRestrict 12:35:34 [INFO] (cssharp:PluginContext) Loading plugin WeaponRestrict 12:35:34 [INFO] (plugin:WeaponRestrict) WeaponRestrict: Loaded default config for de_mirage (Limits: [weapon_awp, 2] [weapon_g3sg1, 0] [weapon_xm1014, 0] [weapon_scar20, 0], Quotas: ) 12:35:34 [INFO] (cssharp:PluginContext) Finished loading plugin WeaponRestrict 12:35:34 [INFO] (plugin:WeaponRestrict) WeaponRestrict: Loaded default config for de_mirage (Limits: [weapon_awp, 2] [weapon_g3sg1, 0] [weapon_xm1014, 0] [weapon_scar20, 0], Quotas: )

%%%%%% console Error %%%%%%

12:35:34 [EROR] (cssharp:Core) Error invoking callback System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.NativeException: Invalid function pointer at CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.NativeAPI.ExecuteVirtualFunction[T](IntPtr function, Object[] arguments) in /home/runner/work/ CounterStrikeSharp/CounterStrikeSharp/managed/CounterStrikeSharp.API/Core/API.cs:line 1090 at WeaponRestrict.WeaponRestrictPlugin.OnWeaponCanAcquire(DynamicHook hook) in X:\Main.cs:line 357 at InvokeStub_Func2.Invoke(Object, Span1) at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithOneArg(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] paramete rs, CultureInfo culture) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Reflection.MethodBaseInvoker.InvokeWithOneArg(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] paramete rs, CultureInfo culture) at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args) at CounterStrikeSharp.API.Core.FunctionReference.b__18_0(fxScriptContext* context) in /home/runner/wor k/CounterStrikeSharp/CounterStrikeSharp/managed/CounterStrikeSharp.API/Core/FunctionReference.cs:line 100

%%%%%% my config %%%%%%

// This configuration was automatically generated by CounterStrikeSharp for plugin 'WeaponRestrict', at 2024/08/07 06:00:10 { "MessagePrefix": "{Color.Orange}[WeaponRestrict] ", "RestrictMessage": "{Color.LightPurple}{0}{Color.Default} is currently restricted to {Color.LightRed}{1}{Color.Default} per team.", "DisabledMessage": "{Color.LightPurple}{0}{Color.Default} is currently {Color.LightRed}disabled{Color.Default}.", "WeaponQuotas": {}, "WeaponLimits": { "weapon_awp": 2, "weapon_g3sg1": 0, "weapon_xm1014": 0, "weapon_scar20": 0 }, "DoTeamCheck": true, "AllowPickup": false, "VIPFlag": "@css/vip", "MapConfigs": { "awp_lego_2": { "WeaponQuotas": { "weapon_awp": 1 }, "WeaponLimits": { "weapon_deagle": 0 }, "awp.": {} }, "awp_snowks2023_gm_cs2": { "WeaponQuotas": { "weapon_awp": 1 }, "WeaponLimits": {}, "awp.": {} } }, "ConfigVersion": 2 }

mayersgamer commented 3 months ago

linux works great

Whaliin commented 3 months ago

The windows signature is wrong and I currently have no way of getting the correct signature for it. The Linux one works fine however. If anyone is able to update the signature feel free to let me know.

Whaliin commented 1 month ago

Issue should be resolved with latest version