CS3216-Bubble / bubble

Bubble backend implementation
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Getting started

git clone
npm install
npm run start

Authentication (TODO)

Authentication happens when creating websocket connection. If authentication succeeds, the websocket connection is established. Therefore all subsequent websocket events are considered authenticated.

We can then then user id from request.user via socket.request.

  1. Client -> POST to auth endpoint, e.g. /auth/
  2. Server checks auth parameters, if match -> sets cookies with session id (handled by passportjs)
  3. Client -> creates socket.io connection, e.g. let socket = io()
  4. Server listens to connection event, checks socket.request for user

Server Websocket API spec

The spec describes our websocket API that our server exposes. Each header is an event name, and the payload is data that clients can send.

UserId : String
UserName : String
UserType: String

RoomId : String
RoomName : String
RoomDescription: String
RoomType: String
UserLimit : Integer
Categories : String[]

Message: {
    messageType: MessageType,
    content : MessageContent,
    createdAt : Date,
    updatedAt : Date,
    userId : UserId,
    roomRoomId : RoomId,
MessageContent : String
MessageType: String
ReactionType: String

Reason : String

IssueType: String

Room: {
    RoomId, RoomName, RoomDescription, RoomType, UserLimit, Categories


Request payload:

    user: UserId,
    roomName: RoomName,
    roomDescription: RoomDescription,
    userLimit: UserLimit
    categories: Categories

Emits event create_room with payload:

    roomId: RoomId

Notes: limit number of rooms a user can create? maybe only 1 at any time?


Request payload:

    roomId: RoomId,
    user: UserId,

Emits event join_room to all users connected to room with payload:

    roomId: RoomId,
    user: UserId,

And to the newly joined user, we emit join_room with a more verbose payload:

    roomId: RoomId,
    roomId: RoomId,
    roomName: RoomName,
    roomType: RoomType,
    userLimit: UserLimit,
    roomDescription: RoomDescription,
    categories: Categories,
    numUsers: Integer,
    lastActive: Date,
    messages: [Message],
    participants: [UserId]

Notes: check if room has capacity for more people to join, is user authorized to join? maybe if the user has been reported we will not let this user join.


    roomId: RoomId,
    user: UserId,

Emits event exit_room to all users connected to room:

    roomId: RoomId,
    user: UserId,

will also emit i_exit to socket which requested to leave room


    user: UserId


    rooms: [Room]

Notes: see all available rooms, paginate? how to sort?


    user: UserId,
    roomId: RoomId,
    messages: [Message],
    participants: [UserId,]


    roomId: RoomId,
    roomName: RoomName,
    roomType: RoomType,
    userLimit: UserLimit,
    roomDescription: RoomDescription,
    categories: Categories,
    numUsers: Integer,
    lastActive: Date,


Indicate that user is typing

    roomId: RoomId,
    user: UserId,

Emits event typing to all other users in room:

    roomId: RoomId,
    user: UserId,


indicate that user has stopped typing

    roomId: RoomId,
    user: UserId,

Emits event stop_typing to all other users in room:

    roomId: RoomId,
    user: UserId,


Reports userToReport for bad behavior:

    user: UserId,
    userToReport: UserId,
    roomId: RoomId,
    reason: Reason,


Show message to all connected users

    roomId: RoomId,
    message: MessageContent,

Emits event add_message to all other users in room:

    user: UserId,
    roomId: RoomId,
    message: MessageContent,

Emits event add_message to user who just sent the message

    user: UserId,
    roomId: RoomId,
    message: MessageContent,
    sentByMe: Boolean,


Show reaction to all connected users

    user: UserId,
    roomId: RoomId,
    reaction: ReactionType,

Emits event add_reaction to all other users in room:

    user: UserId,
    roomId: RoomId,
    reaction: ReactionType,

Emits event add_message to user who just sent the message

    user: UserId,
    roomId: RoomId,
    reaction: ReactionType,
    sentByMe: Boolean,


Sets name for current user

    userId: UserId,
    newName: String,

Emits event set_user_name to all other users in all rooms user is in

    userId: UserId,
    newName: UserName,


Tries to find a counsellor for current user

    userId: UserId,

Emits event find_counsellor if there is a match, contains information about the counsellor and the private chat room created.

    counsellorId: String,
    counsellorName: String,
    roomId: RoomId,
    roomName: RoomName,
    roomType: RoomType,
    userLimit: UserLimit,
    roomDescription: RoomDescription,
    categories: Categories,
    numUsers: Integer,
    lastActive: Date,


A client emits this event to get the server's view of what rooms this client is connected to. Each socket is connected to a room with it's own socket id, this room isn't returned.

emits my_room to socket:



Client emits this to register its socket id and token as recipient for push notifications. Used to subscribe to pushes for events that happen in the rooms socket is in, but disconnected.

    pushToken: String

counsellor specific endpoints

These events are used for counsellors only


counsellor goes online

    userId: UserId,
    newName: UserName,


When there are app errors, such as joining a room that is too full, a bubble_error event is emitted to the socket that sent the event that triggered the error.

All events of such type will have a code and a message.

code specify the type of error, and message is a human readable description of what the error is.

All error codes are specified in src/error_code.js.


No message specified in add_message


No reaction specified in add_reaction


No name specified in set_user_name


No room id specified in events that require an id, such as join_room and add_message.


Room name not specified when create_room.


Room is currently full.


Specified room id cannot be found.


User tries to add_message or add_reaction to a room user is not in.


User find_counsellor but no counsellor is online


User report_user but no userToReport is specified


User join_room a room that is closed/empty.


User report_user without specifying a targetUser


roomId specified for events is not valid, not a UUID v4.


newName specified for set_user_name is not valid, not a string.


When a invalid userLimit is specified when creating a room. UserLimit must be between 2 and 100.


When invalid message is specified on add_message. Message must be a string < 3000 characters.


When invalid categories is specified on create_room. Categories must be an array, that can be empty, or must contain one or more of the accepted category.


When invalid pushToken is specified on registerPush.