CS3398-Spice-Girls / CS3398-Spice-S2017

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Read Article about making React App - garrett #51

Closed codestar12 closed 7 years ago

codestar12 commented 7 years ago

read the following article


also review the git repo associated with the article as an example on how to write React code


when you are finished please write a small thoughtful paragraph about what you learned about react that will be helpful for our project

ghost commented 7 years ago

Part 1 summary: React gives an impressive amount of functionality and tools without sacrificing performance. Some such tools are React’s nature of not being “chunks of text dumped into the page” by replacing it with a “virtual DOM” that enables more efficient rendering of each state. Additionally, React seems to follow a very open-close and single responsibility approach while still recognizing trouble areas, such as passing data up in the hierarchy, and accounts for it by making use of callback prop for when going up one tier or allowing publish/subscribing when you need to go further.

How React helps us: To me, it seems one of Reacts most useful tools is the way it is intergrated with JSX. JSX seems to be closely tied to the HTML and allows for easier rendering, it looks like it allows like it allows you to directly change the DOM, while also performing some optimization when compiling. Additionally, from what I've seen, it doesn't seem to be too difficult to learn how to implement.