CSIRTAmericas / pyintelxio

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INTELX Python Library

This python library is developed based on the original intelx library, but adding the functionality to use Intelx.io Identity API.

Original source could be find here: https://github.com/IntelligenceX/SDK/tree/master/Python


You need to install this package and de the original package from IntelX.io

pip install pyintelx
pip install "intelx @ git+https://github.com/IntelligenceX/SDK#subdirectory=Python"

Enviromental Variables

You can set up this two variables if you want

INTELX_KEY= {api_key} # API KEY of your IntelligenceX account
IDENTITY_ENABLED= {anything} # If present identity api search is enabled. Identity service needs the api key set up.

Usage as command

pyintelx -apikey {API_KEY} -search {search_term} -limit 10 

pyintelx -apikey {API_KEY} -search {search_term} -limit 10 --identityenabled

pyintelx -apikey {API_KEY} -search {search_term} -limit 10 --identityenabled --accounts


pyintelx -apikey {API_KEY} search -search pepe@example.com -limit 10
pyintelx -apikey {API_KEY} -search example.com -limit 10 --identityenabled --accounts
pyintelx -apikey {API_KEY} -search example.com -limit 10 --identityenabled
pyintelx -apikey {API_KEY} -download {SYSTEM_ID} -name {FILE_NAME} -bucket {BUCKET_NAME}

Usage as library

from pyintelx import intelx
API_KEY = "your api key"

intelx_service = intelx(API_KEY)

from pyintelx import intelx
API_KEY = "your api key"

intelx_service = intelx(API_KEY)
intelx_service.search("example@example.com", maxresults=max_results, datefrom=date_from, dateto=date_to, buckets=[])
from pyintelx import IdentityService
API_KEY = "your api key"

identity_service = IdentityService(API_KEY)

identity_service.search("example@example.com", maxresults=max_results, datefrom=date_from, dateto=date_to, buckets=[])
from pyintelx import IdentityService
API_KEY = "your api key"

identity_service = IdentityService(API_KEY)

identity_service.export_accounts("example.com", maxresults=max_results, datefrom=date_from, dateto=date_to, buckets=[])

Buckets list