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unable to train the duration model #526

Open baniyacoder opened 2 years ago

baniyacoder commented 2 years ago

I am using merlin in google colaboratory and i have installed python3.6 version as well as all the requirements and when i am training the duration model I am getting this error Running on GPU id=0 ... ERROR (theano.gpuarray): pygpu was configured but could not be imported or is too old (version 0.7 or higher required) NoneType: None /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/theano/configparser.py:255: UserWarning: Theano does not recognise this flag: cuda.root warnings.warn(f"Theano does not recognise this flag: {key}") Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/merlin/src/run_merlin.py", line 65, in from frontend.parameter_generation import ParameterGeneration File "/content/merlin/src/frontend/parameter_generation.py", line 50, in from .mlpg_fast import MLParameterGenerationFast as MLParameterGeneration File "/content/merlin/src/frontend/mlpg_fast.py", line 53, in import bandmat as bm ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bandmat' Lock freed

i have checked that i am unable to import bandmat in my google colaboratory

baniyacoder commented 2 years ago

what should i do???

xyx361100238 commented 2 years ago

pip3 install bandmat