Open riturajjain2000 opened 3 years ago
I'm interested in working on this, but from where do we fetch the data?
I think from an API like the one mentioned below See this link-;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiV_LD0lofwAhW1xzgGHQO4AcoQutcGKAB6BAgEEAQ#htivrt=jobs&htidocid=96pm53RuDNprpq9_AAAAAA%3D%3D&fpstate=tldetail
So we have to look for a free API right?
yeah , see if you can fetch the data from google jobs or any other site like or intershala
I couldn't find a free API for jobs based in India. So will web scraping with the help of a library be a good idea?
can you elaborate this process over discord channel, I mean what libraries will you use and how will you implement this workflow
I want to work on this issue
The portals tab is already implemented, now the opportunities tab, containing information about job and Internship openings, is to be implemented