CVC4 / homebrew-cvc4

Homebrew formula for CVC4
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Homebrew tap for CVC4

This repository is the homebrew tap of CVC4. To install CVC4 using this tap, use the following commands:

$ brew tap cvc4/cvc4
$ brew install cvc4/cvc4/cvc4 [--HEAD] [--with-java-bindings]

The CVC4 formula supports the following optional arguments:

CVC4 is built with CryptoMiniSat and CaDiCaL support.

Using the Java bindings

The following instructions assume that CVC4 is installed with the Java bindings and demonstrate how to compile a single Java file that uses the bindings. Adapt as needed for larger projects. To use the Java bindings, add /usr/local/share/java/CVC4.jar to the classpath when compiling the program:

$ javac -cp /usr/local/share/java/CVC4.jar

To run the program, add CVC4.jar and the path of Foo.class to your classpath and set java.library.path to the location of libcvc4jni (should be /usr/local/lib/jni if CVC4 was installed with homebrew):

$ java -cp /usr/local/share/java/CVC4.jar:<path_to_class_file> -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib/jni <class_to_run>