CVLAB-Unibo / Unsupervised-Adaptation-for-Deep-Stereo

Code for "Unsupervised Adaptation for Deep Stereo" - ICCV17
Apache License 2.0
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the link to tensorflow version "dispflownet-tf" is unsupervised? #9

Open xadxxadx opened 6 years ago

xadxxadx commented 6 years ago

hi, I prefer to use tensorflow, but it look like supervised version? because it need ground true when training?

thank you

AlessioTonioni commented 6 years ago

Hi, Both the normal supervised version and the ICCV adaptation are implemented in the tensorflow version, however, to use the adaptation loss you will need to provide disparity map and confidence computed externally. To generate the confidence map for your disparity estimation using CCNN please refer to

xadxxadx commented 6 years ago

hi, thank you very much, i took a look to your link, Yes, it generate confidence.(it work) but the link

"path_left_frame;peth_right_frame;path_ground_truth", for UA "path_left_frame;peth_right_frame;path_ground_truth;path_confidence"

is that mean I have to train the mode with left+right+ground True image?


AlessioTonioni commented 6 years ago

In the unsupervised version "path_ground_truth" is the path to the disparity map obtained with classic stereo algorithms (SGM or CENSUS on the paper) over which you compute the confidence measure. So basically for unsupervised adaptation using SGM you will need a training file were each line is:


Thank you for pointing out the ambiguity I will fix the README!