Open chazshapiro opened 6 days ago
@chazshapiro is this working correctly for slicecam?
PIXSCALE is not correct. It should get multiplied by the bin factor (assumes box axes are the same binning)
Other SCAM headers look OK
Can you detail what "account for" means for the two cameras? Currently, slicecam does this:
// adjust WCS parameters for binning
hbin = slicecam->camera_info.hbin // horiz binning factor
vbin = slicecam->camera_info.vbin // vert binning factor
crpix1 = fpoffsets.sliceparams[cam].crpix1 / hbin
crpix2 = fpoffsets.sliceparams[cam].crpix2 / vbin
cdelt1 = fpoffsets.sliceparams[cam].cdelt1 * hbin
cdelt2 = fpoffsets.sliceparams[cam].cdelt2 * vbin
and acam does this:
cdelt1 = camera.andor.camera_info.pixel_scale/3600. // pixel_scale set=0.6 in config file
cdelt1 = camera.andor.camera_info.pixel_scale/3600.
crpix1 = camera.andor.camera_info.hend/2 // hend is horiz ending pixel
crpix2 = camera.andor.camera_info.vend/2 // vend is vert ending pixel
If binning not square then what do you want PIXSCALE to be? NAN?
Now get the same parameters (PIXSCALE, CRPIX, CDELT) from FPoffsets.acam_params and do the same arithmetic
If binning is not the same, leave PIXSCALE blank
Like the title says...