CandleHouse / ArtifactReduction

Fixed some common artifacts in CT images.
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大佬可以分享下几何校正代码中用到的数据么?谢谢! #3

Open hyaihjq opened 8 months ago

hyaihjq commented 8 months ago


CandleHouse commented 7 months ago


hyaihjq commented 7 months ago


CandleHouse commented 7 months ago

使用标准模体矫正的方法主要是博客中提到的螺旋钢珠模体矫正为主,其他论文中主要提出一些其他特殊设计的模体以解决相应成像问题。 使用软件矫正的方法主要是3D-2D配准几何矫正比较多,比如:Self-calibration of cone-beam CT geometry using 3D–2D image registration 还有其他一些不太常见的方法比如:X-ray CT geometrical calibration via locally linear embedding 我最近也有一篇关于2D-2D配准几何矫正的论文,可以参考看看:A Geometrical Calibration Method for C-Arm CT Based on a Nonlinear Registration Model 最后就是一些关于深度学习的几何矫正方法,比如:BeadNet: a network for automated spherical marker detection in radiographs for geometry calibration

hyaihjq commented 7 months ago


piaomiao920 commented 4 months ago

对大佬发表的文章"A Geometrical Calibration Method for C-Arm CT Based on a Nonlinear Registration Model"和博客中提到的"螺旋钢珠模体的论文"非常感兴趣,可以分享论文PDF嘛 @CandleHouse

piaomiao920 commented 4 months ago

是不是Improving 3D image quality of X-ray C-arm imaging systems by using properly designed pose determination systems for calibrating the projection geometry呢