Canop / broot

A new way to see and navigate directory trees :
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speed difference fzf br #553

Open evanescente-ondine opened 2 years ago

evanescente-ondine commented 2 years ago

Hi, I don't exactly know how looking through the files works in broot, and what determines the speed to find a file, eventually the speed differences between nr/ and t/. I run some test with fzf, here's the result:

drm@DasReich ~> time broot --cmd ':toggle_hidden;t/'

Executed in 4.45 secs fish external usr time 3.68 secs 1.38 millis 3.68 secs sys time 2.12 secs 0.00 millis 2.12 secs

drm@DasReich ~> time sh -c "fd -H|fzf" ./.config/sway/config.d/default

Executed in 3.27 secs fish external usr time 2.59 secs 0.00 millis 2.59 secs sys time 2.38 secs 1.26 millis 2.38 secs

in br I paste "sway,default" immediately and in fzf "swaydefault", you can consider I have no bias and paste things equally instantaneously, and quit as quickly. The figures don't seem much but I see the difference, maybe it doesn't show well.

Canop commented 2 years ago

To measure in broot, I usually put the pattern in the command and I add the :pp verb so that I can check. For example:

 time br -c ':toggle_hidden;bar;:pp'
