CapHowz / Howzer

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CopDeals website #1

Open CapHowz opened 4 days ago

CapHowz commented 4 days ago

Let's think of an idea that's not been considered before. A website that shows all the deals and future deals with the help of information and collaboration with brands that can help us grow. We need people for the back-end, front-end, and the people who have connections with companies, or own companies that offer deals. For the first few months, we will not charge companies anything. We would need their help in advertising and people to work with. We can charge them later for a percentage of the profit they get with the help of this website. For consumers, we can make everything free but we can charge them 1 dollar per month to view future deals. Right now, I have nothing to offer anyone as I am just a freshman in high school. To start this website, I would love to collaborate with fellow programmers who are experienced in projects like these. (Cuz I'm not)

CapHowz commented 4 days ago

If you are interested, reach out on discord: cap_howz