CareTogether / CareTogether-PowerBI

Power BI Project for CareTogether analytics
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New Measures: Adults Impacted & Children Impacted #11

Open LarsKemmann opened 4 days ago

LarsKemmann commented 4 days ago

Goal: To let ministries report more meaningfully on how they are impacting entire families, not just the child being hosted or the parent being mentored.

The Adults Impacted measure should count the number of adults in all families where any person in that family had at least one active arrangement during the given timeframe.

The Children Impacted measure should count the number of children in all families where any person in that family had at least one active arrangement during the given timeframe.

LarsKemmann commented 4 days ago

@marcusgraca FYI, I forgot to include this in our discussion today. Take a look at where I placed this in the prioritization in the 'Todo' column and let me know if you have any questions about what this means/how it should work.