Open IoanEOD opened 2 years ago
@IoanEOD , you just have to add rotate degree value in transform Metrix4 while adding a node in the planet, like below
ARNode object = ARNode(
type: NodeType.localGLTF2,
uri: "assets/3d/duck.glb",
name: map["name"] as String,
const MatrixConverter().fromJson(map["transformation"])
**..rotateY(<degree> * 3.1415927 / 180),**
Is it possible to place objects on a plane aligned with the plane surface but pointing in one direction, instead of each object being rotated to face toward the camera like in the "objectsonplanesexample.dart" example.
For example in the following picture, could the arrows all be pointing up when placed on the plane, and still be pointing up when getting moved around with the pan handler?